Chapter 33

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TRIGGER WARNING-read at your own risk!!

Y/n's POV
I drop my bags on the floor and run towards Demi, who's laying still on the couch. I try to shake her awake but she still had her eyes closed. I keep calling out her name as I try anything in my power to wake her up. My eyes well up with tears as I caress her cheek praying she'll open her eyes. "Demi please, don't leave me like this!" I balled out. I laid my head on her stomach hugging her whilst crying my eyes out.

"Y/n?" I shot my head up and my eyes widened with shock. Her eyes slowly opened and looked deeply at mine. I smiled and sighed with relief before hugging her tight. "Demi don't scare me like that!!" I said still shocked by what just happened. I let her go and she sat up letting me sit beside her in the couch. When she noticed I was looking at the alcohol bottles on the coffee table, she looked down with disappointment. "Baby why? What happened whilst I was gone?" I lifted her chin and gave her a reassuring smile.

She took a deep breath and spoke. "For a while now I've been really depressed and I've been having thoughts about relapsing and these voices in my head wouldn't leave and they just took control of my actions. And when you left I felt really alone and I didn't want to make you stay because I don't want to be clingy but I didn't know what else to do, so I drank and used and cut. I'm sorry I let you down, my fans down even though they don't know about this and I've ruined my whole career. I promise I'll get help and stay sober." She was crying by the end of speaking so I wrapped my arms around her and held her close to my body, I'm never losing this woman I love her so much. I can't lose her over her struggles.

I kissed her forehead and stroked her arm softly trying to comfort her. "Baby I'm so sorry I didn't realise this before I left, otherwise I wouldn't leave you alone and you're not clingy just because you ask me to stay with you. I'm yours so I'll be with you no matter what. You helped me before so I'm going to do whatever I can to help you and get back on track. I love you so much babygirl." She looked up and smiled at me before kissing my lips.

It was already really late when I came home, however Demi and I stayed in the living room for an hour after we talked. We were watching TV and Demi was laying on me, her head on my chest and her eyes closed. "Baby do you want to go to bed now?" I asked stroking her head, she nodded so I gently got up from the couch and picked her up bridal style and took her to our bedroom. I laid her on the bed before changing into my pjs and helping her change too. I laid beside her and cuddled up with her and fell asleep.

Demi's POV
I shouldn't lie. Our relationship is based on honestly and loyalty. But I'm just not ready to stay sober again. I can't stay sober again after 2 weeks of non stop drinking and using. I'm just gonna have to pretend I'm sober in front of Y/n but in reality, I'm still gonna drink and use...

My career is mainly to help others with their struggles and I'm so candid about my journey with sobriety so I have to share that I've relapsed to my fans. And there's no other way that I could do that than writing a song. I get up early, 7:00am, and I eat a bowl of cereal before going to the music room. I wrote this song before but I never finished it and it's perfect for this. I grab my song book and flip to the pages with the lyrics, then I play the keys on the piano and think of lyrics.

Momma, I'm so sorry, I'm not sober anymore
And daddy, please forgive me for the drinks spilled on the floor
To the ones who never left me
We've been down this road before
I'm so sorry, I'm not sober anymore

I'm sorry to my future love
For the man that left my bed
For making love the way I saved for you inside my head
And I'm sorry for the fans I lost
Who watched me fall again
I wanna be a role model
But I'm only human

I write the verses in my song book before thinking of lyrics for the final verse.

I'm sorry that I'm here again, I promise I'll get help
It wasn't my intention, I'm sorry to myself

After writing all the lyrics I put the song together then sang it all at once, whilst putting together chords on the piano to go with the song. After a while I finally found the right tune and I completed the song. I recorded myself singing using my phone then I sent it to producers so they can finish everything off. Once I finished that I cleared everything up and I went to find Y/n. I found her in the living room throwing away the alcohol bottles that was all over the table. I walked towards her to help but she shook her head, "baby just relax, play with the dogs. I'll clean this up and we can cuddle and watch your favourite shows." I smiled and nodded.

I did as I was told, I sat on the couch with my dogs and I went on my phone whilst waiting for Y/n. I decided I should probably text my family that I relapsed so they don't find out from the media. I open WhatsApp and text my mom.

D: Hi mom, I just wanted to tell you that I've relapsed with drugs and alcohol. I'm fine at the moment and I'm going to stay sober and get help. I love you momma and I'm sorry.

Momma💗: Demi honey, you don't need to apologise. Recovery is a journey and isn't solved in one day. I know you're strong you'll get through this babygirl. I love you too!! Should I come stay there with you?

D: No momma I'm fine I have Y/n and she's helping me. Thank you for understanding.

I smiled looking at my phone because my mom is so supportive and she's so caring. I know she'll tell my sisters and Eddie so I decide to not text them and just switch off my phone and hang out with my little family.

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