Chapter 27

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Demi's POV
Tour has been AMAZING. I forgot how much I enjoy performing for my fans. Today we're going to Dallas, Texas and I can't wait! If you didn't know already, my family lives in Dallas and I'm hoping they can come to tonight's show because tonight I have a surprise that I want to share with not only my fans but also my family and friends.

Myself, Y/n and Kehlani are in my dressing room relaxing and playing with Batman and Ella when Scooter knocks on the door and walks in. "Hey D, I just got off the phone with Eddie and he said your family will be able to come tonight!" I run over to Scooter and give him a hug then let go. "Thanks Scooter!" he smiles and leaves the room. I sit back down on the couch beside Y/n. "I didn't know your family were planning to come." Kehlani spoke, "Uh yeah well I wanted them to see the show at least once." I reply back trying not to smile, because I was thinking of the real reason why I want them to come. Kehlani nods and continues to pet Ella.

It's an hour before showtime and I'm still in my dressing room, however this time I'm getting my hair and makeup done. Once again Scooter knocks on the door and walks in. This time not alone. "Mom!" I get up from my chair and run towards my mom and hug her. "Hi sweetheart" she says laughing. We talk for a few minutes, whilst I get touch ups done on my makeup. I check the time on my phone and see that I need to leave to go perform. I give my mom a kiss on her cheek and leave with Max while my mom goes with Scooter.

The show is going great! All my beautiful Lovatics are singing along to the songs and whenever I'm close to them, they all reach out to touch my hand, which I find so cute! I just finished singing 'GIVE YOUR HEART A BREAK' so I figure now would be the best time to start the surprise.

"So I just want to take a minute and talk to you guys." The audience cheer as soon as I start speaking. "So as you guys know I've been dating the most wonderful woman for about 2 years now, and I've never been more happier." I look to the side stage and Y/n is stood there with a huge grin on her face. I giggle and carry on talking. "So with that said, I was hoping I could bring out my beautiful girlfriend!" Once again my fans are cheering, making me giggle. I look over at Y/n and she shakes her head 'no', I know she's scared to stand in front of my fans since what happened a couple months ago. "Excuse me one seconds guys." I say to the audience before running towards Y/n.

"Baby please come on stage with me. I promise they won't say anything to you." She give me a small smile then looks out at the audience then back at me. "Okay Demi, just could you hold my hand?" I smile and take her hand in mine then walk back on stage, the fans screaming louder than ever when they saw not only me but Y/n too. A crew member then comes on stage and places a stool for Y/n to sit on. The audience quietens down allowing me to speak, "So everyone if you haven't guessed already, this is my love, Y/n" We both look at each other and smile as the fans start cheering again. I keep looking deeply into Y/n's eyes as I speak again. "Baby, 2 years ago before I had met you I was in a dark place, but the moment I laid my eyes on you and saw your beautiful smile, all that darkness had faded away. You have helped me through so much and I want to do the same for you for the rest of my life." I take Y/n's hand again and made her stand as I got down on one knee. I look up at Y/n's face to see her tearing up. I carry on speaking into the microphone as my fans are screaming in excitement. "I love you so much, Y/n Y/l/n will you marry me?" Y/n is a crying mess now but she still looks beautiful. She looks into my eyes and smiles. "YES! Demi I love you so much!" I get up and kiss her soft lips and hug her tight.

By now my fans have lost it, some are screaming so loud in excitement and others are crying tears of happiness. We break the hug and I gesture to Y/n to sit back on the stool. "I love you Y/n and I dedicate this next song to my FIANCÉ!" Music starts to play and I sing the lyrics to my song 'MADE IN THE USA'.

The song ends and I run towards Y/n and hug her tight. All of a sudden the audience cheers grew louder and I feel a lot more arms around me. We break the hug and standing around us is my whole family. I start to cry with happiness as my mom hugs me, followed by Eddie, Dallas and Maddie. Then they hug Y/n and leave so I could finish the concert.

Tonight's show has finally ended. I run to the side stage where Y/n was standing again. Once I see her, I kiss her lips, which eventually turns into a makeout session, but I break it when we needed to catch our breath. We make our way to the Tour bus and cuddle up on the bed. "Demi." Y/n says breaking the comfortable silence. "Yes babe?" "We're going to be married." I giggle and kiss her forehead, "Yes we are and I can't wait!"

A/n I'm not gonna lie, I cried reading this back!! Let me know what should happen with Y/n and Demi!

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