Chapter 21

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Demi's POV
It's been a few days since Y/n harmed herself, and since then, everyday I check everywhere on her body to make sure she didn't hurt herself again and didn't tell me. I'm still so mad at my Lovatics for bullying her online to the point where she felt like she needed to hurt herself.

I wake up and turn my head to look at Y/n who's cuddled up in my side, her arms wrapped around my body. I smile at the view but sadly I need to go to a meeting which was in an hour. I slowly lift Y/n's arm and place it gently on her side of the bed then I get out of the warm bed and make my way to the en-suite.

Once I had finished everything I needed to do it the bathroom I leave and go to the walk-in closet and pick out a formal outfit, since I was going to a meeting. I put on a black skirt and a white crop top. Then I brush my hair and tie it into a low bun and I put a little makeup on. I then make my way down to the kitchen and have cereal before leaving the house to jump into the black SUV that was parked outside.

Once I made it to the office where I was having the meeting, I messaged Y/n since she was still asleep when I left, letting her know where I am.

D: Morning babygirl! Hope you slept well, I'm just at the office for meetings. Won't be back for a couple hours. I love you xx

I hit send then turn my phone off to start the meeting. "So Demi I think once we release your album next week you should be able to start your tour in the next couple of months." Said my manager, Scooter. "That's great!! I can't wait!"

The meeting lasted 2 hours, just me and my team making plans for my album release and my upcoming tour. I worked so hard on this album, probably more harder than my last albums so I'm hoping this will be successful and my fans love it just as much as I do.

I left the meeting hugging scooter and went back into the SUV with Max sat beside me. "Where else do you need to go before home?" He asked me. Just as he said that I turned my phone on and saw a reply from Y/n.

Y: Hi Dems!! I had a good sleep thanks. That sucks you won't be here for a while, I was hoping I could cuddle with you and watch movies!! :(

I smiled reading the text. My meeting finished earlier than expected so I'm free for the rest of the day. I decided I wanted to surprise Y/n since she's had a hard last couple of days and honestly she deserves it. I look at Max and smile "Can we go to a florist? I want to get my girlfriend some flowers." He smiles and nodded then told the driver our destination.

We were driving back home and I bought Y/n a bunch of red roses since that's her favourite flower then I bought one fake red rose. We parked up outside and I hugged Max goodbye and said thank you to the driver then got out the car and made my way to the front door. I slowly open it and go to the living room where I see Y/n sat on the couch with the dogs. I quietly tiptoe towards her and plant a kiss on her head which made her turn around in shock. Once she saw it was me a big smiled was plastered on her face and she opened her arms out to hug me which I gladly accepted.

I hand her the roses and she was still smiling, but then looked at me confused when she noticed the fake rose. "Uh Demi, why is there a fake one?" "Because I want you to know that I'll love you until every one of those flowers die." She understood what I meant from that so she placed the flowers on the coffee table and hugged me tight then let go to kiss me passionately. I smile into the kiss then broke it off so we could catch air.

We spent the next few hours watching movies on Netflix and I finally built up the confidence to tell Y/n I'm going on tour in a few months. You see, I've known about the news of going on tour for months, since the end of last year actually, but I was nervous to tell Y/n because I didn't know what would happen with us. I hated doing long distance and I know Y/n has a job so she wouldn't be able to go with me. But I obviously know I can't leave for tour and disappear for months without telling her where I'm going.

I breathed in and out trying to think of what to say then I turned to face Y/n and began speaking. "Y/n I need to tell you something." She paused the TV and looked at me and smiled. "Okay so since my album will be released next week my manager has planned for me to go on tour in a few months time. And I know you won't be able to go since you have a job so I'm not really sure I want to go on tour because I can't stand not being with you and seeing you everyday" I didn't realise I was crying until she wiped tears from my cheek.

"Baby don't worry, we'll figure it out. I'm so happy for you and everything you've achieved!! I can't stand not seeing you everyday either but like I said we'll figure it out. And if that means I quit my job or just take few months off then that's what I'll do because I love you so much!!" By now we're both crying so I lean in and hug her tight and kiss her lips once I broke the hug. I know we'll figure out the best plan so we can see each other as much as possible. I just hope she can come with me on tour so I won't be lonely.

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