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This isn't an update to the story, a new update will be up soon, but I just wanted to write this because I think it's really important that we all speak up about this.

I'm so DISGUSTED with people, specifically police officers, who think it's okay to MURDER or ATTACK innocent people just because of the colour of their skin. THE COLOUR OF YOUR SKIN DOES NOT DEFINE WHO YOU ARE AS A PERSON!!!

This is not okay! This also will NOT stop if we don't do something to change this!! Please do your part and help in any way you can!! Speak up and stand up for the black community!! Sign the petitions and if you live in America and you're eligible to VOTE then VOTE Trump OUT!!

Don't ignore something because it makes you uncomfortable. Don't let your discomfort surrounding these issues stop you from speaking up for those IN DANGER!! Until we do something THE BLACK COMMUNITY WILL CONTINUE TO LIVE IN DANGER!!

I'm not Black, but I see you.
I'm not Black but I hear you.
I'm not Black but I mourn with you.
I'm not Black but I will fight for you.

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