Chapter 42

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Y/n's POV
I was sat beside Demi on the hospital bed whilst waiting for her Doctor to come in. After what seemed like forever, he finally walked into the room. "Good morning ladies. How are you both?" I smiled and responded after Demi. "Alright so Demi, I'm just going to do more checkups on you and then some scans to make you're good to go home." "Sounds good!! I can't wait to go back home and sleep in my bed again." I giggled and kissed Demi's head. The checkups took around 20 minutes and the Doctor left after telling us the times of the scans.

"Okay babe we have 4 hours until the scans so what do you want to do?" She was quiet for a while so I moved closer to her and held her hand. "Demi?" I looked into her eyes and I could see sadness and pain. "Baby, what's wrong?" I ask a little worried. "D-Do you t-t-think w-we could t-talk about t-that d-d-day?" She asked, her eyes watering as she spoke. I nodded and squeezed her hand for reassurance. "Okay, so how much do you remember?" I ask. Demi closed her eyes trying to picture that day. "Uhm I remember that I was really depressed that day and I was recording a new song but no one realised the meaning behind it." I frowned a little as I didn't realise how Demi was feeling during that time. "Okay anything else?" I ask. "I think I remember once I finished recording I went to a bar and started drinking then I went home and used coke. Then that's when it happened." Tears were rolling down her cheeks, so I wrapped my arms around her and comforted her until she calmed down.

A few minutes had past and I couldn't hear her sobs so I laid her down on the bed, since she was sat up, and she was fast asleep. I adjusted her blanket and dimmed the lights and let her sleep. I sat on the couch in the corner and decided to go through Instagram for a while. I noticed Demi's fans were still really worried for her because no one has said anything about her condition because we feel she should speak up when she's ready. But I feel like I should say something small so they don't keep freaking out. I then decided to go onto Twitter and give a little update but without a lot of detail.

@Y/n_Y/l/n: Thank you for the prayers during this time. Demi is doing well. <3

I figured that was good enough so I hit tweet and lock my phone.

{skip 2 hours}

I woke up from an accidental nap, and I look over to Demi awake and on her phone. I smiled and got up and sat beside her on the hospital bed. "Hi love." She says to me. "Hi." I respond after I peck her lips. "I saw your tweet." She said after a few minutes. My eyes widened a little and I started to get nervous. "Oh uhm, sorry I didn't know if I should have said anything or not. It's just that I saw your fans freaking out so I wanted to say something so they calm down." I shut up when I realised I was rambling on. Demi just laughed and I was confused. "Baby calm down!! I'm not mad. I was going to post something today anyway." I let out a deep breath of relief and I cuddled up beside Demi as she wrote a letter and post it to Instagram.

" I let out a deep breath of relief and I cuddled up beside Demi as she wrote a letter and post it to Instagram

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"Baby, I'm so proud of you. You're so strong and you will get through this as a warrior." Demi looks deep into my eyes and kisses me before laying her head in the crook of my neck. We lay there in the same position for a while, whilst reading the comments on Demi's post.

@demetriaisqueen: I'm so happy you're okay!!😭
@Demsmylife: THANK GOD YOU'RE ALIVE!!😭💗
@DemetriaLovatoo: We love you Demi!!🥺💗

A few hours had past and it was time for Demi's scans. The a nurse came in to transfer Demi to the room where the scans will take place. Once we made it to the room multiple nurses and Demi's Doctor hooked her into a machine to do the scans while I had to stay away and look through a window. The full scan took about 30 minutes and we have to wait another hour until we receive the results. We arrived back into the hospital room and we ate sandwiches from the canteen. Demi FaceTimed Dianna and talked to her family since they couldn't come in today, and I cleaned up the room a little. Before we knew it, an hour had past and the Doctor came in with the results.

"So is it good news?" Demi asks a little nervous. The Doctor smiled and nodded. "You're healthy enough to be discharged tomorrow morning." I sighed with relief before hugging Demi tight. "Thank the Lord!!" Demi yelled excitedly. We thanked the Doctor before he had to leave and we celebrated the news with Demi's friends and family. After a while we finished telling everyone the news so we decided to call it a night a get some sleep. I ended up sleeping on the couch instead of going home because I was too lazy to get a Uber late at night.

I can't believe it. Demi will finally come home with me tomorrow.

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