Chapter 1

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(Small note: For those readers who would like to get to the more romantic stuff with Kyo in the story, they will be towards the end of the book as this is a developing story, but I will publish them as soon as possible!)

1130 words.

It was the first day of spring and the cherry blossom trees were just coming into season as the pink petals began forming.

I arrived at school late again as I stepped through the metal gates instantly feeling the spring breeze flow through my hair.

I gazed down at my timetable in my hand looking for my first class.

- Homeroom class 1D -

It was my second week into school since I transferred places. It hasn't been so bad since I came here, I haven't been bullied once. I haven't made any friends yet but who needs friends?

As I stepped inside my classroom the whole class became silent and slight whispering was heard here and there.

My face blushed a bright red as I found myself getting extremely overwhelmed by all the chatting.

"Miss L/N late again! I don't know how many times I have to tell you! Take a seat now" My teacher yelled as I shuffled my way quietly to the back of the class and taking a seat next to the window.

It was almost a breathtaking view watching the trees slowly wave side to side in the slight breeze almost doing some sort of little spring dance.

"Now I hope you will all put loads of effort into our team spring festival activities!" The teacher said catching my attention.




I sunk into my seat just at the mention of teams. I hate working in teams.

"Now group up in 6 please!" The teacher yelled.


I barely even knew one person in this class never mind five other people.

I watched as everyone started shuffling their chairs and tables different ways and waving and smiling with each other. Yet I sat here alone just looking desperate.

I can't wait to be left out again.

"Hi Miss L/N? Want to work with my group?" A voice called as I raised my head to see a small brown haired girl smiling in front of my table.

"W...what?" I asked looking at her.

Her cheeks were a brightly coloured blush. Her eyes as brown as a tree trunk, her smile was stretching from ear to ear.

"Do you want to work with us?" She said looking over to a group of people who happily smiled at me.

I wasn't use to being invited to join groups.

She quickly picked up my table connecting it with the rest of her group.

I grabbed my stuff slowly making my way over and taking a seat next to one of the girls in the group.

"Now that we are all here! I'm Tohru Honda! Nice to meet you" the girl smiled.

"I'm Arisa Uotani" the blonde haired girl smiled next to me.

"I'm Saki Hanajima" said the girl next to her.

As I gazed over the table next to Tohru I saw non other then our student council president.

"I'm the student council president, Yuki Sohma" he smiled almost glaring into my soul not blinking.

"E...erm hello everyone... I'm F/N L/N" I said gazing at the seat opposite me which was deserted.

"Kyo was suppose to be here but he decided to skip school today" Tohru smiled noticing my confusion of the empty chair. She smiled as if it's a regular thing.

I always had my head down looking at the floor so I never even notice the possibility of us becoming a group.

"Who cares let's just start without him!" Arisa whined causing them all to giggle.

"But welcome to the group! What part would you like to work on?" Yuki asked staring at me making me feel almost uncomfortable. Did I have something on my face? I tried to avert my eyes but for some reason his eyes were almost calling for me.

For some reason I couldn't even spit out my words. Why were they all being so nice to me? Why was Yuki almost staring me down. Worse. Why couldn't I pull away from his gaze?

"I'm really... not bothered" I stuttered looking down to my fingers intwining them.

"Come on! You don't have to be shy round us we are all friendly" Hanajima said.

I gazed up looking at them all pointing to the paper in the middle of the table blasting out ideas for the spring festival coming up.

Now that I look at it.

Uotani is pretty bold, she doesn't care about other people opinions of her.

Hanajima seems to be rather scary and could scare someone with just one look, but she's secretly caring and loving.

Yuki is also so quiet and gentle and almost sensitive, but also pretty intense, he could win at a staring contest at least.

Honda is pretty shy and is always smiling no matter what situations she's in, she is also pretty clumsy.

They are definitely a weird group.

And I just happen to end up being joined in it.

"I think we should do a stall with different food on" Yuki said as Tohru wrote it down.

"I think we should do a fighting contest!" Uotani yelled as Tohru laughed.

"Maybe we could read people's fortune" Hanajima added in.

"How about a play!" Tohru added.

All of a sudden all of their eyes locked onto me.

"What do you think Y/N! We can't decide!" Tohru said as I looked up instantly getting flustered as they all waited patiently on my opinion.

"I think a play is ok?" I questioned as Tohru smiled.

"Good luck getting Kyo to do that but I'm in" Yuki smiled.

"We are in!" Uotani mentioned pointing to Hanajima.

"Thanks for helping us decide! If you have any ideas your welcome to speak up. After all your part of our group now!" Uotani said slinging her arm over my shoulder pulling me into her side.

I couldn't help but feel some what comforted by her side as she laughed with the group.

Was this what friends are suppose to feel like?

"I have an idea!" Tohru chirped getting all of our attention.

"Let's go to the Sohma house tonight to write out this play! What's everyone's plans?" She smiled.

"I'm free let's do it" Uotani and Hanajima chimed in.

Wait shouldn't Yuki have a say in this first considering it's his house?

"Y/N what about you?" Tohru smiled.

"Shouldn't we be asking Yuki first... it's his house isn't it?" I asked as she began laughing.

"I'm sorry! I forgot to mention I live at the Sohma household, are you in? We can't do it without you" she gleamed.

We can't do it without you

Them words replayed in my head thousands of times.

"Then sure I'm in" I smiled as they all began laughing.

Mother? Is this what friendship feels like?

Overlooked Love (Kyo Sohma X Reader story) Where stories live. Discover now