Chapter 5

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1055 words.

I let out a big stretch as it was the end of the day yet again.

Spring days goes by so quickly.

"Hey Y/N!" A voice called as I walked down the hallway.

I turned around instantly greeting Yuki who was covered in sweat and panting like a dog.

"Let me walk to the gates with you!" He smiled as I nodded.

He began walking beside me before he spoke up softly.

"Since I'm the student council president it's my duty to look after the students in my year.. I notice you've been late a few times now even though you've only just transferred" he mumbled as I clutched my bag on my shoulder.

"I keep getting lost...." I mumbled trying to quicken my pace.

"You can't surely still be getting lost by now. It's my duty to make sure everyone is ok so I'm simply checking up on you" he smiled before I nodded.

"I'm fine I don't need to be checked up on" I said.

He went silent for a moment still walking closely by my side.

"Then again... I feel like I've seen you around somewhere.." he said quietly, catching my gaze.

At least that feeling was mutual.

"Me too.." I whispered.

Was this some sort of déjà vu or just a coincidence that we both felt like we've seen each other somewhere.

We continued walking to the gates in silence where we met Tohru and Kyo.

Yuki instantly dragged Kyo to one side as I began chatting with Tohru.

"What's with them two... they been all secretly and chatting by themselves recently" She huffed staring at them.

Before I could say anything Uotani slapped me on my back causing me to jump around.

"Hey kid ready to go!" She chirped flinging her arm round me as we all began walking.

Yuki and Kyo still keeping a fair distance behind us blabbering.

"What's with them love birds?" Uotani laughed as Tohru smiled.

"Maybe they are starting to like each other!" Tohru smiled at the thought of them finally being able to get along with each other.

"Or they could be planning an evil scheme against us allllllll!" Hanajima added making us all giggle.

We all walked quietly today before we reached the Sohma house again being greeted by Shigure at the door.

"Ah your all back! Hello!" He smiled opening the door for us to go in.

"Hello Sir" I smiled as he began burning a hole into my head.

Do these guys ever stop!?

"Erm... where's your bathroom Shigure..?" I asked just wanting to get away from the intense stares I was getting.

"Upstairs last door on the right" he smiled as I quickly rushed upstairs and practically ran into the door shutting it behind me.

Seriously what is those guys problem?

I went over the mirror inspecting my face over and over again.

There wasn't anything on my face.

And there wasn't anything on me that looks out of the ordinary.

I washed my face quickly before I dried it and opened the door.

As I opened the door I smacked into something tough

"I'm so sorry..." I paused locking my gaze with non other then Kyo.

My hand was resting on his chest as I could almost feel his heart beat pounding out his chest.

My hands felt almost as if they were on fire and almost as if I had pins and needles as they tingled at the connection.

"I'm sorry Kyo!" I stuttered standing as far back as I could from him.

"We are about to start rehearsing, are you done?" He said almost as if he was snapping at me.

Ok. Attitude problem.

"Yes sorry" I said squeezing past him brushing my back against his chest, causing more tingles to shoot up my back making me shiver.

I went downstairs with him following closely behind almost to close for comfort.

Just as we reached the dining room I met everyone's gazes as I took a seat next to Tohru.

"Yuki a word. Now." Kyo snapped instantly making Yuki sigh as he stood up and they disappeared into a different room.

"What's with them" Hanajima said scrunching her face up.

"You know how boys are" Shigure interrupted going after them.

"Anyways Y/N these are your lines that I've wrote for you!" Tohru said handing me a paper which I quickly skim read.

"Read it out loud! I want to see how it sounds!" Tohru said as I sighed and picked up the book blocking off my face as I hate people watching me read.

"Please don't do this! We can save this relationship! My love I promise there is a way we can be together forever, give me a little more time and I swear I can find a way! There's a witch I know about who can tell us our fortunes and our lives together, let's go together at night and get the answer we are both longing for" I pleaded reading from the book.

"I shall go, but if this future is not what we want then we have no choice but to accept our fate that we were not meant to be.." a voice said as I snapped around to see Kyo standing behind my chair holding his note book in his hand.

When did he get there!

We gazed at each other before Yuki began speaking looking directly at me.

"My dear girl, no matter how hard you try you will never get with my son. You hold no power and no fortune to ever be with my son! Do I make myself clear!?" Yuki said placing his finger on my chin and forcing me to look up at him.

I felt tingles go all the way through my body as he gazed at me like it was the first time meeting him.

"That was amazing!!" Tohru shouted writing it down in her book.

"Now we need to write Hanajima's part and practice" Uotani mentioned as we all nodded.

"Can I go get some fresh air?" I asked as Tohru nodded.

"Just go out that door it leads to the garden" she smiled pointing to the double doors on the other side of the room.

What was that feeling just then?

I was probably just going insane.

Overlooked Love (Kyo Sohma X Reader story) Where stories live. Discover now