Chapter 7

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(Warning! small part mentioned of abuse such as slapping involved thank you!) 

1268 words

It was finally the week of the play and I was still hating the whole idea.

Someone please just kill me at this point.

Me and the group have gotten really close to each other lately it seems so easy to hold a conversation with them.

But sadly as I reached home last night my father was sat waiting for me.. seeing the joy on my face, he couldn't help but release his anger on me. Giving me a killing bruise across my cheek just by a single slap.

The killer smile he gave me as his hand connected with my cheek echoing across the empty room in the darkness. He looked like a psychotic killer, he deserves to be locked up.

There wasn't anyway I could hide this... shit now they are definitely going to know something is up, Yuki has already been on my case about being late to school.

I arrived through the metal gates again watching slow petals fall from the trees giving me some what a sense of peace.

"Oh Y/N over here!" Her voice rang through my ears.

"Tohru good morning" I smiled turning around pulling my hair over my cheek slightly to hide it.

Of course Yuki and Kyo was following very closely behind.

"Let's walk to class! We get to do the props today for our play" she squealed in excitement.

I knew I wasn't going to be able to hide this bruise for long, I needed to think of something and fast.

I didn't own any makeup... but I know who does!

As we walked into class Hanajima and Uotani were already sitting peacefully round the table.

"Hanajima" I smiled as she looked me up and down smiling weakly back.

"I forgot my makeup today, do you have any foundation I could borrow just for today?" I smiled shyly as she nodded.

"Sure thing" she added pulling out her makeup bag.

I was lucky she was pretty pale like me so our foundation matched up perfectly.

"I'll bring it straight back" I smiled before running my way to the bathroom.

I pretty much slapped it on my face applying as much as I could to my cheek just managing to cover it.

With it still being a fresh bruise you could still see the purple and blue attempting to peep through the makeup.

At least it was less visible now.

As I ran to class taking my seat just in time for the teacher coming in telling us we can work on our props today for the activity.

"I've never seen you wear makeup before, what did you need the makeup for?" Uotani said smiling.

She made a shiver practically run up my spine giving me the chills.

How can I answer her question?

"I had a few spots I needed to cover, you know how they can pester you" I chuckled awkwardly.

"Oh I get you girl!" She laughed slinging her arm over my shoulder.

"What props shall we start with then?" Yuki added in.

"I believe we should work on the two lands by splitting them with a waterfall!" Tohru exclaimed.

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