Chapter 17

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"SNAP!" Tohru yelled flinging her hand down on the deck of cards in front of us.

Tohru sat next to me on my hospital bed as Kyo sat at the bottom, Yuki stood by the side of the bed.

"You win again" Yuki sighed as Tohru giggled.

It's been two days since I woke up now. Tohru brought me food and activities everyday.

They all took turns in staying the night with me so I can have help getting in and out of my wheelchair.

However day by day it got easier as I can actually put a small bit of pressure onto my leg.

But yesterday the doctor came in and explained the authorities have been called on my father. They are taking him in for questioning.

"Erm" a voice called as we turned to the door to see the doctor clearing his throat rather loudly.

"Miss L/N I would like to see how you manage on crutches, if you manage I will send you home with some prescribed medication. Of course school and high activity is off limits and lots of rest is still advised" he spoke.

"Don't worry sir if she comes back she won't even have to lift a finger!" Tohru chirped as he sat the crutches next to my bed.

Everyone moved away from my bed as I attempted to get them myself.

I shuffled my way slowly to the end of the bed still causing some discomfort.

I then grabbed the crutches resting my hands in them.

With all the strength I had I lifted myself off the bed and tried to regain my balance on the crutches.

"Perfect now try taking some steps towards me" the doctor spoke standing next to the door.

I slowly but surely moved the crutches making baby steps towards him.

"Yes Y/N that's it!" Tohru clapped as I couldn't help but smile at her encouragement.

I made it in front of the doctor as he smiled.

"I'll go get that medication sorted and we'll do another night monitor check, then you should be able to leave by tomorrow" he smiled as I smiled back.

"Well done!" Yuki chimed patting me softly on the back.

I made my way back over to the bed taking a seat on the edge.

"Your face looks a little less swollen" Yuki said as I nodded.

"I heal pretty fast to be honest, that's always a plus" I chuckled.

I was still self conscious of my face for now anyways.

Before I could say anything else a small knock came at the door.

Tohru made her way to the door opening it slowly.

"Hatori!" Tohru chimed as she opened the door revelling a tall black haired man he was actually pretty hot and looked in his mid 20's.

"May I come in?" He spoke gazing at me for permission as I nodded.

He slowly walked in with a blonde boy walking behind him.

We instantly both locked gazed and he started staring me down.

"Hi I'm Momiji! Yuki's cousin!" He smiled from ear to ear.

He was handsome as well!

His accent was so strange almost as if he was part German.

"I'm the family Doctor. I take care of Yuki, Kyo and Momiji as well as the rest of the Sohma's" Hatori mentioned looking directly at me almost examining my face.

"Nice to meet you" I said.

"You've gotten yourself in a bit of a state, Shigure explained what happened so I thought I'd come check on you. Momiji also wanted to come along to see what the boys were fussing about" he said raising his eyebrow up at Kyo and Yuki.

"Oh.. well thank you for coming" I smiled.

Hatori quickly took Yuki to the side as Tohru sat down next to me.

She was talking about something but I couldn't help feel so engrossed in their conversation I found myself eavesdropping.

"Does she know?" Hotari whispered.

"No... Kyo didn't transform and neither did I, it's unexplained" Yuki sighed.


What the hell are they talking about?

Some sort of pokèmon I don't know about!?

"It's not very likely.. but it's always been a possibility that Akito's lost half sibling is her..." Hatori explained as I instantly saw Yuki tense up drastically.

"Hey Y/N!! Momiji goes to our school as well!" Tohru said snapping me out of my trance.

I stared at Momiji who smiled politely at me.

"That's awesome! I've never seen you around" I chuckled as he smiled.

"Dah, Tohru was talking to me the other day about you, she was super worried when you didn't wake up" he spoke as I couldn't help but smile to myself.

It's actually so sweet how much they all worried about me.

I thought I'd never want them to see me in this state but they just love me and care for me even more.

I need to stop burdening them though.

Hopefully now I won't have any more problems, I feel bad for my father getting taken away but he was far from saving now.

It made me upset, I feel like I've lost my parents I've got nobody to turn to, and I'm only burdening my friends by staying at their place and making them almost slave around for me.

Tohru giggled as Hatori came back over with Yuki.

"So your allowed out tomorrow? That's good! You'll have to come visit us at the estate when your all better" Hotari smiled as I smiled.

I couldn't ask him what he was talking about because then he would know I was listening.

But then again it would probably eat me up if I didn't mention it...

I hate secrets, especially if it had something to do with me.

"Wha-" Tohru put me off by wrapping her arm round me pulling me into a tight hug being careful of my face and leg.

"I wanna join!" Momiji shouted.

It was a second of sheer panic.

"NO!" Hatori shouted.

"DON'T!" Yuki yelled trying to reach out for Momiji.

"STOP!" Kyo screamed heading towards him as well.

They missed and Momiji arms wrapped round us both it was only a hug what was the big deal...


Yellow smoke filled the air it took a second for it to clear before I saw Momiji's clothes on the floor.

A small yellow rabbit appeared now on the floor.

A rabbit.

"Sorry..." the rabbit spoke in Momiji's voice.

"Did that rabbit just talk...." I spat.

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