Chapter 29

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Kyo held me all the way downstairs as we came into the dining room and he gently placed me into a seat and tucking in my chair.

"I still need my crutches" I whined.

"Nope, today I'll be your servant. Tell me what you want or what you want to do and I'll help you" he smiled proudly.

"Kyo..." I spoke as he turned to me with a grinning smile ear to ear like a baby kitten.

"What happens when I need a wee asshole!!" I yelled as I watched his smile slowly fade away.

I guess he didn't take me needing the bathroom into proportion.

"Then you tell me and then I'll get your crutches" he smiled again.

This man was determined to carry me everywhere today.

I sighed knowing I wasn't going to get away from him.

"Look I want to make up for what happened the other day, there's nothing between us and I want to show you how much I actually care for you and want to be with you" he said as I smiled.

"I'll allow it today, but promise me tomorrow I can do it myself" I smiled as he nodded.

"Good afternoon!" Tohru gleamed bringing a stack of pancakes and placing them down in front of me.

"I made pancakes earlier and saved you some! Dig in! Today we can go down to the beach again, let's build a massive sand castle today Y/N" Tohru giggled taking a seat next to me.

I smiled and nodded before digging into my meal.

"Tohru these taste amazing" I smiled just feeling every flavour fill my mouth.

She could never go wrong with cooking.

"Now where to now my lady" Kyo smiled holding out his hand for me to grab.

"I need to take a shit" I laughed as Tohru practically spat her food out from laughing.

"Your wish is my command" he spoke picking me up with ease again as I playfully slapped his chest.

"Kyo I was joking!!" I laughed.

Hitting his chest wasn't even budging him.

"Tohru! Can you come help me get my clothes on please!" I yelled as I heard her yell.

"Pick an outfit! I'll be up in a moment" she chirped.

"Upstairs it is then" Kyo smiled lifting me up more taking me upstairs.

I was practically squished into his chest.

I could feel his heart beat going ridiculously fast.

Was he nervous? Tired?

"If your tired Kyo you don't have to pick me up" I smiled resting my hand on his chest.

"No! I'm not tired!" He spoke placing me down in my room gently.

"I think I'll wear my orange bikini again, are you wearing the same shorts Kyo?" I smiled to him as he nodded.

"We will match again" I smiled as Tohru came walking into my room.

"Now let's the girls do their work!" Tohru smiled practically throwing Kyo out the room.

"Does Yuki know we are going?" I smiled as she nodded.

"He came down earlier for some food, that's when we decided to go to the beach again. He seemed pretty worried about you" she smiled holding up a pair of my white shorts and a black tank top.

"Worried about me?" I questioned stripping off my clothes.

"Yeah, he said he was worried about your conversation with Hatori so I told him it wasn't anything to worry about" she smiled as I nodded.

"It was just a simple chat, he was just worried about me being near Kagura" I smiled weakly.

Tohru quickly tied my hair up in a pony tail before she quickly changed into a summer dress.

"That looks so pretty on you" I smiled as she nodded.

"Kyo! Yuki! We are ready!" She yelled as Kyo knocked on the door politely before coming in.

"I'm here to take you to the beach m'lady" Kyo smiled turning his back towards me.

"I'll give you a piggyback, then I can use my hands to hold your bag and stuff as well" he smiled as I nodded.

I pulled myself onto his back and Yuki happily smiled at the door.

"I have the tent you can sit in" Yuki smiled also holding up a few bags.

"I also brought food and towels" he chuckled as I smiled towards him.

"Has everyone got everything?" Tohru chirped holding up her bag.

"Y/N I'll grab your crutches just in case" she smiled going to pick them up.

"Ah thank you, you don't have to" I smiled as she nodded.

"Just in case" she smiled as I nodded.

We all peacefully walked out together in the blistering sun.

"That sun is super bright" I said tucking my head into Kyo's neck.

His whole body heated me up as I couldn't help but smell his amandine cologne.

I felt his grip tighten more onto my bare legs as I tightened my arms round him more.

I couldn't stop thinking about that dream.

But Kyo said he's had a few dreams that weren't real too.

Could he be having the same dreams as me?

No that's stupid to think!

Is it??

I couldn't help but blush and rub my head into his neck further just thinking about his lips felt onto my forehead.

I don't think I've actually heard his morning voice properly.

"Y/N..." Kyo's voice snapped me out of my trance as I moved my head next to his ear resting my chin on his shoulder.

"Yes...?" I spoke feeling him lift me further up onto his back.

"Please stop... rubbing your head into my neck... your breathing down it.." his voice was shaken up but it was so quiet.

Was this... no

Did he secretly like it....?

"Sorry..." I muttered feeling some what satisfied that I might of found a weak point of his.

I smiled to myself before continuing to tuck my neck into his neck.

That was until we got to the beach and he pulled me round into bridal style swiftly.

I laid in his arms in shock as I finally gazed into his eyes.

His face had that small blush on his cheek and his eyes sparkled.

"I told you to stop..." he whispered.

I gulped seeing his face the way I've never seen it before.

Overlooked Love (Kyo Sohma X Reader story) Where stories live. Discover now