Chapter 27

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What was Kyo trying to tell me?

Every time he goes to ask he goes shy, and we also keep getting interrupted.

I've never seen him act shy before, but the small blush on his cheeks and the small smile told me it wasn't anything bad.

I followed Tohru downstairs and Kyo followed behind.

"Hatori, what do I owe the pleasure at this hour?" I smiled coming into gaze with Hatori.

"I heard Kagura had pushed you... I wanted to make sure you weren't injured" he smiled as I took a seat on the couch next to Yuki who was happily reading a book.

"It was only a small push" I giggled as he came up to me bending down in front of me.

"Can I check your leg to make sure?" He smiled as I nodded.

Hatori examined my leg carefully before smiling up to me.

"It seems ok, it's a good job you didn't get the salt water in it otherwise it would of hurt" he smiled as I nodded in response.

I couldn't help but notice the small worry on his face as I looked into his eyes.

"Is there any other particular reason you came to visit?" I asked as he smiled.

"May I speak with you in private?" He smiled as I nodded.

I knew there was something off about him!

We walked into a different room leaving the rest of them behind and Hatori kindly brought a seat for me to sit on.

He pulled himself a chair sitting in front of me before sighing.

"I thought I'd warn you about Akito" he sighed probably not even wanting to have this conversation with me.

Akito? They mentioned his name when we were in the hospital.

(I'm aware Akito isn't a boy! But obviously she doesn't know that so enjoy!)

"Akito is the family head, the one that rules us all and is the only person who can actually hug us" he spoke.

"So when we found out you could as well, it was a no brainer that you were the half sibling of Akito, because we have been told about you but never got told of your whereabouts or name. To us you were a normal human" he sighed.

"Anyways, Akito has found out that you are now involved with the zodiacs, and you can imagine he isn't happy" he spoke.

That name just kept giving me goosebumps.

The thought of him knowing who I am gives me the chills.

"This is bad right...?" I spoke quietly.

"Yes... but Akito has let you continue with what your doing, as for right now you aren't causing any threat apart from taking Kyo away from him, but Kyo isn't welcome as a zodiac anyways" he said.

"I just thought I'd warn you that Akito is aware that you are around, and he has a lot of power to stop you from getting close to any of them, so please be careful with what your doing, I shouldn't be telling you any of this. But I care about you, so does Tohru, Yuki, Momiji, Shigure and Kyo" he smiled as I nodded.

"Thank you for telling me" I smiled.

"I suppose you also have a few questions as I don't believe Kyo and Yuki would have been telling you anything about the zodiacs" Hatori laughed.

"When I first met Yuki, Kyo and Shigure they wouldn't stop burning holes into my head, it seems to have calmed down now but it's just freaky" I chuckled awkwardly.

"Ah yes! They stared because when they first met Akito with the zodiac bond they have it's pretty powerful and they seem drawn to that bond, with you having half the blood of Akito they felt the same bond by looking at you, which sparked confusion" he smiled.

"They stared because they were extremely confused, and when we realised we could actually come into contact with you without transforming it made it even more confusing" he spoke again as I nodded.

So the intense staring was because they feel the same bond with me as they do with Akito?

"One day you will have to come and meet Akito but that won't be for a while" he said before standing up placing his chair back.

I felt safe that they all cared for me, it made me feel some what special.

I stood up before walking out the room seeing Kyo, Tohru and Yuki casually sitting on the couch.

As soon as I walked out their gazes locked onto me as if they were trying to read my mind.

Luckily I don't think animals can read humans minds... I think?

However they could sense some uneasiness in me.

My hands began getting sweaty as I tightly grasped them together.

"Midnight snack anyone?" I smiled just trying to break the awkward staring that was going on.

"Anyways I'm heading back, make sure you keep an eye on her boys. And Kyo" Hatori said turning his full gaze onto Kyo.

"I'd prefer it if you keep your love with Kagura away from Y/N, maybe a private room would suit you better" he smirked before waving himself off out the door.

Kyo stood speechless at what he just said.

"I... I'm not with-" he cut himself off by folding his arms over his chest and frowning.

"I'll make you a quick snack before bed Y/N if you like" Tohru smiled standing up making her way over to me.

I nodded and we both headed into the kitchen.

"Is everything alright?" She spoke quietly so the boys wouldn't hear resting her hand on my back gently.

I smiled and nodded.

"Thank you I'm fine, he just told me to stay away from Kagura" I lied.

I couldn't tell her the truth that Akito knew about me, I know she would worry and tell the boys causing them to be even more on edge about me.

So far I wasn't in his way so for now I'll just continuing what I'm doing on the low.

The last thing I want is to cause more problems between me and the zodiacs.

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