Chapter 21

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(Hey everyone just a little note! So to all my fellow Kyo's lovers things do start picking up between the characters when they get to the vacation house so I hope you are all excited and enjoy, thank you for all the love and support! <3)

1041 words.

I was still stuck in the house for a little, while the others went to school. I could of gone but I need to rest especially if we are going away this weekend.

But even though they are gone I'm currently sitting across the table staring at a very stubborn kitty.

"You should of gone you know, you shouldn't skip school just because I need to stay home" I whined resting my hands on the table.

"I'm. Not. Going" he spat at me again.

"I'm not arguing with you Kyo it's not good for you to miss school" I whined at him again.

"I'm not leaving you!" He said raising his voice a little.

I wasn't going to get through to him.

"Fine fine" I huffed.

Before I could say anything Shigure appeared out of his office.

"I'm going out for a little, you two behave yourselves" he spoke as we both nodded as we watched him leave slowly.

Guess it was just us two now.

We sat for a moment before I broke the awkward silence.

"So kyo... there isn't much I know about you, would you like to share some things" I smiled at him as he frowned.

"Why do you need to know?" He spat.

Man he's in such a mood today.

"Come on Kitty I'm just curious" I teased making my way over to his side of the table.

"What are you doing?" He spoke watching my every move as if I was going to hurt myself just by walking round.

Within a second I started poking my finger on his arm continuously.

"Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me!! Tell me. Tell me. Tell me" I spoke poking him each time.

"Fine! Ok stop!" He laughed grabbing my hand and placing it down by my side.

"Now explain" I smiled as he gave a low smile back to me.

"Before I came to live here I use to live up in the mountains with my Sensei who is also my foster dad. He took me in after my mother died and my father blamed me for her death. Then I came here to try and beat Yuki in a fight but ended up staying after seeing Tohru" he said.

"I'm sorry about your mother..." I said giving him a sorry look.

"It's fine... but I'm glad I'm here otherwise I wouldn't be where I am now" he smiled.

"Do you like Tohru?" I slapped my hand over my mouth after realising what I just said.

But some part of me was aching curiously for the answer.

"I think she's lovely.." he spoke almost making my heart shatter.

I felt my smile on my face slowly disappear before he spoke again.

"I just don't think me and her were meant to be together, and that's ok" he smiled as I nodded.

Thank the lord.

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