Chapter 28

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(Only two more chapters to go guys before it's finished, thank you for all your continued support with it being my first book any comments or criticism are appreciated)

1073 words.

I woke up peacefully to the light sounds of beetles humming and birds chirping.

I opened my eyes to be greeted by the sunlight that shined through my curtains slightly.

After the midnight snack last night everyone went to bed, I'm surprised Yuki and Kyo haven't questioned Hatori's visit yet.

I stretched as much as I could before practically dragging myself to sit up.

Yawning I went to open my curtains taking a step onto my balcony instantly getting greeted by the warmth of the sun.

The ocean looked amazing from here!

"Good morning" that voice startled me.

I turned to the side to see Kyo walking onto his balcony shirtless. Rubbing his eyes gently as he got blinded by the sun.

"Good morning" I smiled.

"How did you sleep?" He spoke, his voice was incredibly deep and husky. I felt a strange feeling coming into my stomach just by hearing it.

"Erm... yeah... good.." I spoke quietly.

"What's the matter?" He spoke again making goosebumps form onto my arm.

What's going on with me?

Did his voice just get 10x sexier during the night!

"N..nothing! Your awake early" I smiled as I gazed over catching the sun reflect off his ginger hair and honey eyes.

It made me weak to the knees.

"Early? It's 11:30?" He spoke.


It's half eleven!

I slept in quite a bit.

"I think Tohru is awake if you want to grab breakfast" he said making he way over to the side of the balcony that faced towards mine.

"Yeah... I'll get some soon" I chuckled.

"Come. Here." He spoke quietly as I froze on the spot waiting for him to repeat what he said.

"W...what?" I chuckled nervously.

"Come." He said pointing his finger to my side of the balcony where we could be just inches apart.

My feet slowly dragged along I felt the heat rise up my shoulders and around my neck.

It was just the sun right? That was making me this hot?? Right!?

I stood a little further back away from him as he smirked.

Lord kill me now and burn this image in my head.

"Kittens don't bite, come closer" he smirked.

This man was luring me in with his voice!

I leaned on the balcony as his lips gently pressed against my forehead.


"You just looked so cute when you woke up, I couldn't help but kiss you..." he spoke as he pulled apart leaving me into a blushing mess.

"Can I kiss you properly..? I've been dying to touch them lips of yours" he smiled leaning his head closer and closer.

I was utterly speechless, what was actually happening right now!?

His lips leaned closer and closer till they were inches of mine.

I could feel his bottom lip graze across mine instantly setting my whole body into overdrive mode.

"Kyo...." I whispered moving in to break the distance.

That was until....

I woke up...

I sat up in my bed panting and sweating.

I glanced round my room back and forth.

"FUCK!!!" I screamed loudly.

Then the devil himself ran into my room barging his way in.

"Y/N! What's wrong!" He yelled sitting on the bed in front of me.

"Shit...." I whispered realising that dream wasn't at all real.

"What time is it...?" I spoke quietly to him as he smiled.

"It's midday, would you like some dinner? Tohru made some pancakes, did you have a nightmare?" He spoke gazing into my eyes.

"No... just a dream that turned out not to be real..." I spoke getting a pillow and slapping my head into the pillow.

"I've had a few of them" Kyo spoke as he slowly grabbed the pillow removing it from my face.

"If you tell me what it was maybe I can help it come true?" He spoke as my face plastered red.

He stared at me seriously while I looked like a damn beetroot.

I quickly slapped myself in my face as he pulled my hands away.

"Don't do that!" He yelled grabbing my hands tightly.

His face was inches off me.

Goosebumps ran up my arms and tingles shot round my hands.

Butterflies filled my tummy and my face, neck and ears heated up.

Could it be true that I've fallen... for.. NO! Surely! Possibly... no yes no yes no yes.

"Are you coming down with a fever?" He said placing his hand on my forehead.

"Your burning up Y/N! Maybe you should rest some more? I'll get you a wet towel" he said standing up as I grabbed his hand in order to stop him.

"I'm not feeling unwell! I was just dreaming of something silly.. but it's also embarrassing" I said as he sat down in front of me again.

"Then share it with me" he smiled.

Yeah.... I can't do that...

Let me just tell you how I had a dream of you actually kissing me, and your morning voice made me extremely 'excited'

I shook my head before practically launching myself out of bed instantly landing flat face onto the floor.

"Y/N! Don't get up so quick! Your leg can't take the weight remember?" He said as I felt his arms wrap round my waist smoothly picking me up into a bridal style.

"K...Kyo?" I spoke looking up to him gripping his shirt at the back of his neck.

"Relax I've got you, we can talk about your dream after some dinner, let me carry you" he chuckled as I began squirming.

"Kyo! Put me down! I can walk!" I whined as he chuckled again.

"Y/N stop struggling or I'll shove you over my shoulder!" He laughing practically throwing me up like I weighed nothing.

"Let's grab some dinner together, then we can talk" he smiled again as I couldn't help but lose myself in his eyes.

"Just this once... I'll let you carry me, but I'm not telling you my dream" I said still in a madness blushing state.

"You don't have to tell me... I just want to care for you and look after you" he smiled catching me off guard.

Oh Kyo... how do I tell you that I've fallen in love you...

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