Chapter 13

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The curtains opened again to mine and Kyo's scene and my heart picked up it's pace even more as Tohru practically pushed me onto the stage.

I had a little fake basket on my arm as I started wondering around the stage pretending to look at apples next to the little pool.

I got a fake apple and quickly dropped it which landed on the other side of the fake bridge.

"Oh no my apple" I whined softly, feeling like a complete idiot.

"Drop this m'lady..." a voice called as I stood at the man before me.


He stood in a fancy uniform holding the fake apple I dropped.

I gazed at him as if I was seeing him all over again, noticing all his features as his eyes practically shined down on me.

"Thank you..." I mumbled taking the apple from his hand getting butterflies in my stomach not breaking eye contact with him.

"What's your name miss, I haven't seen you around this part before" he smiled almost capturing my heart.

Why was this almost the first time I'm seeing him like this?

Has he always been this handsome.

Wait I need to snap out of it.

"My.. my name is Y/N sir.." I smiled up to him.

"No need for formality I'm simply wondering, my name is Kyo" he held out his hand which I gladly shook.

"I best get off, but meet me here tomorrow same time. I'd love to get to know you m'lady" he smiled lifting my hand up to his lips.

He seemed hesitant at first before slowly kissing across my knuckles.

I quickly pulled back my hand before running off the stage.

"That looked beautiful!" Tohru yelled smiling as I tried to get my breath back.

That was like a whole different person out there.

What side of Kyo was that...

One after another the scenes went on and on and the story went on and on. Developing mine and Kyo's relationship that was frowned upon.

We seeked the witches advice Hanajima on our relationship as she agreed that there is a way for us to be together but it wasn't easy. That was until we stumbled across Kyo's knight Uotani. Who attempted to stop us ever seeing each other.

That's when the scene with Yuki came.

I walked onto the stage yet again coming face to face with Yuki.

"My dear girl, no matter how hard you try you will never get with my son. You hold no power and no fortune to ever be with my son! Do I make myself clear!?" Yuki yelled grabbing onto my shoulders softly.

I chuckled at him.

"You can never stop love, there is always a way" I smiled.

Yuki softly pushed me down to the ground to where Kyo ran up.

"Father stop this nonsense! We love each other!" Kyo yelled pulling Yuki away from me.

I stood to my feet giving him a look that could kill.

"We will find a way" I huffed walking away.

And with that the scene ended again.

Eventually the relationship blossomed and the witch fooled the rich father showing him that us being together wouldn't hurt. And that eventually we would of been together anyways.

I was some what relieved to be on the final scene.

But this was the part where Kyo and me had to show our 'true love' for each other.

As we took the stage for the final time Kyo took my hands into his.

"My love, my father has accepted our relationship we can now live together peacefully" Kyo spoke as I smiled.

"What a relief!" I sighed smiling up to him.

"Now will you come live happily ever after with me?" He spoke as I nodded.

"Of course I will!" I smiled tightening my grip on his hands.

As the narrator of the play began speaking out Kyo starting leaning in.

Was he going for a kiss!?

What do I do!? What do I do!?

Before I could do anything his lips connected to my cheek softly leaving tingles all around my cheek.

His lips lingered there for a moment before removing himself.

That wasn't part of the script...

He pulled away blushing crazy until the curtains finally closed. He created a massive distance between us moving off to get changed again.

I could hear our classmates clapping from the other side as all I could do was stand frozen on the spot.

"Come on Y/N! We have to get changed" Tohru shouted as I eventually found the strength to move towards her.

"Is everything ok?" Tohru said as I slowly nodded.

"Good! Let's get changed so we can move on with the rest of the schools activities" she smiled dragging me to the changing room.

Why did he kiss my cheek if it wasn't even in the script?

Maybe he just felt in the moment?

I shook my head

Can Kyo really feel that way about me?

I shook my head again.

I don't know what was going on through his head, but whatever it was, it was nice. He was a different person.

I quickly got changed before meeting everyone at the side of the stage.

"Well done everyone that went perfect!" Uotani laughed giving us all a high five.

As I turned to Kyo I caught him gazing at me but he quickly averted his gaze away from me.

Please don't say he's going to ignore me now.

We all walked back to class ready for the next activity the group had prepared as I couldn't help but stare at Kyo who wouldn't even turn to me.

I need to know what he felt, or even if he did it just for the moment.

"Kyo..." I muttered under my breath.

Without thinking my hand reached out grabbing his top slightly making him stop in his tracks.

Even so he wouldn't look at me.

"What's wrong?" He asked slowly turning his head to the side still not making eye contact.

Everyone began walking ahead.

"Thank you..." I muttered.

"What for?" He asked.

His words spoke softly to me.

"For making me experience something as amazing as that, I really enjoyed it..." I muttered removing my hand from his top now.

He seemed speechless by my words as I got the courage to start walking again this time ahead of him.

I was quickly stopped by his hand gripping round my wrist.

"If it's any consolation... I enjoyed it too" he spoke as I couldn't help but let a smile form across my lips.

I felt pretty happy in myself.

I want to be in this moment forever.

Overlooked Love (Kyo Sohma X Reader story) Where stories live. Discover now