Chapter 15

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(Trigger warning: Abuse, stabbing and blood all mentioned. Which could be upsetting for some readers)

1052 words.

I was making my way to school today but I was walking by myself.

Kyo was skipping, Yuki slept in and Tohru came down with a cold.

It was so strange not hearing the distance arguing of Kyo and Yuki or the stories Tohru blabs on about making me laugh.

I felt almost lost and lonely just from being away from them for a second.

But I only had to get today over with until I can go back and settle down.

I know Tohru was mentioning about going to the beach soon during break, Hanajima and Uotani was of course in.

And the spare room was coming along perfect only a few more days and I'll be able to move into it.

I couldn't help but feel at ease with everything.

I followed the familiar path we took everyday coming onto the small footpath.

It seemed almost to quiet today, it was a little uneasy but I suppose that's how I'm suppose to feel when I'm not surrounded by weirdos all the time.

It's strange going from being completely lonely and then not wanting to be left alone.

I was sure they were going to ditch me after the play but here I am living with them, living completely stress free.

"There you are you little bitch..." a voice spat.

I instantly froze on the spot feeling my whole body rush in with anger and fear.

My hairs on my body stood up and a cold shiver ran round my body.

My body was signally me to run, but staring at the person I couldn't bring myself to run.


A glass bottle in his hand, the same dirty clothes on and stinking.

"I've missed that look of pure fear on your face dear" he smirked stepping closer and closer to me.

I need to run.

My legs won't move!

"Why don't you come back home with daddy..." he said lifting up his hand which I flinched at.

He grazed his fingers across my cheek before smiling like a psycho path. 

"You look like you've been taken care of well... was it them assholes who you call friends" he spat grabbing a fist full of my hair.

He smacked the bottle off the ground breaking it slightly.

I couldn't talk, I couldn't move, I couldn't fight.

No matter how much I gripped my hand into a fist I could never bring it up to his face to actually hit him, seeing him like this made me so sad, I wanted to save him from this.

"Answer me!" He shouted dragging my face up to his making me smell his breath stinking of pure alcohol and hatred.

"Mother would of never wanted this" I spat as he wrapped his hand now round my neck gripping it tightly making it unbearable to breathe.

"Don't you dare even speak of her! You are a disgrace to all daughters, I never even wanted you! You were chosen by us clearly we made a mistake" he growled pushing me down to the floor as I coughed trying to get my breath back.

What does he mean by chosen by them?

"Now let's see how them 'friends' of yours see you in this state" he glared holding his broken bottle up to my face.

"Pl..please.. don't" I whimpered moving back quickly.

Before I could get up a sharp stabbing came from my leg making me tear up and scream.

He had stabbed the bottle in and out my leg at my thigh.

"Try getting away from me now!" He yelled laughing.

I cried and cried, yelled and screamed.

It was like nobody was around to hear me or save me.

I gripped my leg in attempt to stop the bleeding as I looked at the person I use to see as my father.

My tears making my vision blurry as his face came closer to me holding the bottle to the side of my face.

Slowly but surely he slid the glass down my face almost carving out my face.

All I could do was scream in pain.

If I moved my head he would cut deeper.

I couldn't even walk.

Eventually my vision started to go black as I was feeling the blood leave my body.

"Have fun in hell" he spat in my ear before he started walking off.

All I could do was scream, before lying on the cold pavement watching as my vision slowly disappeared.

I guess this was it.

This is how I lose everything in one day.

He was no father of mine, I should of realised that a long time again.

I always hoped that some day I could save him from his addicts and pain and grief he was probably still experiencing.

But it looks like it's just over took him like some sort of devil.

I was in and out of conscience.

I saw the red and blue lights of an ambulance as I tried to reach my arm out.

"H...h..hel..p" I spat before everything went black once more.

Some part of me had hope that I would be saved, but even if I was saved... would Tohru, Yuki and Kyo still be there for me?

I don't want them to get into trouble.

So maybe me going out this way is best for all of us.

I couldn't let them see me beat up, wounded and fighting for my life.

I'd feel like a disgrace.

Mother... if your listening

I couldn't save father from his problems as they ate him up.. I'm sorry I couldn't of been stronger as a person to defend myself from him as I would never lay a hand on my own relative. But I'm happy this has come to an end. I can finally be with you in peace and I can tell you all about how I actually experienced having friends, joining in parts and maybe even experiencing my first love.

I was sad and angry at myself that I couldn't even bring myself to fight him off. But seeing him the state made my brain so fuzzy and messed up I didn't know what to do anymore.

I'm sorry.

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