Extra Chapter - Smut

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Warning - voice kink, embarrassing and heavy smut.

Kyo X Reader

- You and Kyo finally moved in together at one of Kazuma Sohma's dojo's. It was spacious and comfortable. Today it was yours and Kyo's third year anniversary of dating.

It was cool summer day, he treated you all day took you to the zoo and then shopping before he brought you back to the house for a surprise -

"So what's the surprise" I asked impatiently.

"You have to wait, we only just got back in" he laughed taking off his shoes.

Even three years on and his smile makes the whole room light up, still a shame he's still just as grumpy as the cat spirit though!

"Go wait in the living room" he said as I nodded.

I made my way in the room taking a seat on the floor in front of the table.

I heard him faffing about in the kitchen then going around the house.

What exactly was he doing?

"You ready?" He smiled ear to ear popping his ginger hair round the corner of the door.

"Yeah" I laughed just loving the sight of him.

"Close your eyes!" He smiled.

I covered my hands over my eyes as I heard him lay something in front of me.

"Open them" he said as I removed my hands and opening them. my body going into instant shock.

He prepared the whole table with my favourite foods, he had roses in the middle of the table, fake candles scattered about and laid it out like a fancy restaurant.

I glanced across the table at him wearing his black long sleeve top and smart bottoms.

God he looks so sexy in that.

His cheeks glowed a bright red and his smile stretching from one side to the other.

"I'm speechless..." I spoke.

"Do you like it?" He said.

"Kyo... I love it! Thank you so much, you shouldn't of" I smiled.

"I can't pay for an expensive restaurant, so I thought I'd make your favourites for you" he smiled.

I wanted nothing more then to be in this mans arms.

Everything about him was perfect.

We both started digging into the food laughing about the day we've had together.

"I remember when Kazuma beat you up the other day" I laughed remembering when Kyo got tripped up by Kazuma in his martial art training.

"Don't remind me" he huffed.

"Would you like some more rice?" I smiled as him.

"I've had enough, thank you though" he said as I began clearing up after us.

-Smut starts here-

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