Chapter 16

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I let out a large groan as I tried to opened my eyes.

"Miss L/N" a voice called.

I attempted opening my eyes again gaining my vision blurry.

A tall dark haired man stood over me in a long white coat gazing at me in wonder.

All that managed to escape my lips was a small groan.

"Your in the hospital Miss.. I'm Doctor Smith I've been taking care of you. we didn't think you'd make it as you lost a lot of blood but I can't believe it" he smiled down at me as I tried to sit up.

"Here let me help" he smiled coming towards me and moving my bed up letting me sit up with support of the pillows.

My vision cleared up a bit before I glanced over to the corner of the room and saw Kyo and Yuki sleeping.

They both had bags under their eyes and look physically exhausted and also looked like they haven't showered in days.

"They've been here everyday. Nonstop." The Doctor said as I couldn't help but try to form a small smile.

"We still have some tests to do but would you mind maybe explaining how you got in this state?" He spoke taking a seat in the chair next to my bed.

"I...." as I began to speak Yuki woke up instantly running over to my bed.

"Y/N your awake!" His loud voice shocked Kyo awake.

"Y/N what the hell were you doing!?" Kyo yelled making me squint.

For some reason I felt insanely sensitive and tears started forming in my eyes.

"I..I'm s..sorry" I whimpered not bringing my face up to look at them.

"No you don't need to be sorry, we are just happy your safe, we've all been worried about you. Tohru will be visiting soon with some food for you" Yuki smiled.

"What even happened to get you in a state like that" Kyo groaned coming close to me and wiping his hand under my eye removing the tear that had formed.

"Please can you both sit down and stop overwhelming my patient!" The Doctor said raising his tone.

Both the boys slowly walked back over to their seats and sat down waiting for me to talk.

"Now... would you like to discuss this alone?" He smiled turning to me.

"It's ok..." I whispered.

They were bound to find out anyways, and they've already seen me in this state now and haven't ran off yet.

The Doctor sat down as I explained everything that happened in the space of a short time.

"Ok ok... I'm going to call authorities, I'll bring back some medicine for you, there's a wheelchair in the corner of the room if you feel like you want to attempt getting up. Please remember though that your leg isn't healed" he smiled before waving at me and exiting the room.

The room was then filled with almost a painful silence..

"I knew I shouldn't of skipped, this is my fault" Kyo groaned throwing his head in his hands.

"If i had just woken up normal time.. this wouldn't of happened" Yuki sighed.

"It's not your fault..." I choked out gaining both of their attention.

"I thought you knew how to fight Y/N.. couldn't you?" Yuki sighed as I could already feel tears getting brought on my eyes again.

"I couldn't fight him with a broken bottle.. looking at someone I use to see as family, all the fun times we had laughing, smiling and playing" I whimpered feeling the tears now slide down my face.

"It's ok..." Kyo voice rang through my head as I felt his presence next to my bed.

Without knowing his forehead rested on top of mine as I closed my eyes just enjoying having his presence near.

"I'm sorry Kyo.. I never wanted you to see me like this" I sobbed.

"Shhhhh.. I'm here now it's ok, I don't think of you any less I just wish I was there to protect you. I promise I'll never leave you alone ever again, I'll always be there to protect you" Kyo whispered pressing his fingers along my cheek wiping my tears slowly.

"I promise the same.. when he isn't around, I will be there for you!" Yuki said standing up from his chair.

"Thank you.." I whispered.

"What does my face look like...?" I asked as Kyo pulled apart from me giving me such a pitiful look.

"Let me find you a mirror" Yuki said as I stopped him.

"No, I want to go myself. Get me out of this bed" I asked as they both looked at me very uneasy.

"You've been bed bound for a few days... I don't think it's a good idea.." Yuki said.

"How long is a few days.." I questioned.

"Seven days" he spoke making me freeze.

I've missed an entire week of school!

"What about school?" I asked as Yuki smiled.

"I took notes for you, you can read them when you feel better" he chuckled.

"Thank you, now get me out of this bed" I spoke as they gave each other a look before coming towards me.

Yuki gently lifted my bad leg slowly towards the end of the bed making me almost howl in pain.

This was indescribable.

Kyo grabbed the wheelchair nearby before they both came on both sides of me taking most of my weight to place me down in the chair.

I could feel the tears begin to come back out as I sniffled in attempt to stop them.

I eventually got in the chair as Yuki took me into the little private bathroom I had.

And there was the mirror...

I had one of them white hospital gowns on that exposed my legs.

My right leg was bandaged up completely.

As I moved to my face I nearly broke down.

The side of my face now had stitches in I lifted my fingers up slowly grazing the stitches.

"F...fuck" I whispered feeling the sharp pain as I rang my fingers continuously up and down wishing it would just disappear. 

"Beautiful as before" Kyo muttered standing at the door looking me up and down.

He knew exactly what to say.

I couldn't help but plaster a small smile onto my face just from his words.

"There's that smile" Yuki smiled at me into the mirror as I noticed a small smile appear on Kyo's lips.

"Much better" he chuckled.

"Now let's go see what Tohru brought you" Yuki smiled wheeling me back out into the room.

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