Chapter 14

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1025 words.

Me and Tohru sat round the table together casually talking to one another.

"How long do they take to get ready" she huffed desperate to go.

We were all heading out for some shopping today. I insisted I didn't need anything but Shigure wouldn't let me get away with it.

It will be nice to grab a top or two.

"Oh Y/N there you are, before you go here's a voucher, feel free to use this on anything you want" Shigure smiled walking into the kitchen.

He handed me a card which I glanced at before nearly passing out.

"£500" I gasped as he chuckled.

"I give Tohru that much for her stuff, I hope this will cover you" he smiled as I slammed it down.

"I really can't take this money" I huffed as Tohru latched onto my arm slightly.

"It's ok really, you need clothes and stuff for your new room here, we have it covered" she smiled calming me down a bit.

It still seems like a little much.

Eventually Kyo and Yuki came downstairs dressed.

It was such a lovely day today so I decided to wear a black pleated skirt with a white shirt and some white trainers which I brought in my duffel bag from my fathers.

It was pretty much the only outfit I had anyways.

We all set out next to each other as Tohru practically skipped along the path, she was more excited then me.

"If you think about it, it's kinda like a double date" she laughed as I nearly choked on my own spit.

Kyo and Yuki stopped in their tracks before almost frowning at the thought.

"What's that face for? You got a problem with dating me?" I chuckled tapping Kyo on the shoulder.

"" he spat turning on his heels and walking forward.

I couldn't help but laugh.

As I walked forward next to Kyo I noticed Yuki gripping onto Tohru's hand.

She probably tripped over a rock again. She's so clumsy.

"They are holding hands" I muttered gazing back at them smiling.

Who knew. But then again they look like such a great couple.

"Don't even think about it" Kyo practically hissed at me.

I chuckled slightly.

I knew I secretly wanted to grab his hand but I could never do that.

We stayed in silence most of the trip until we finally arrived.

"I usually shop here!" Tohru said dragging us all into a shop as I gazed around.

"This is such a cute bodysuit!" I smiled holding up a baby blue body suit.

I placed it in my basket before looking around at the leggings.

"I think I'll get some leggings and some oversized tops" I smiled at Tohru as she nodded helping me pick out some plain big tops and sweatshirts.

"Come over to the pyjamas!" She smiled pulling me over.

I felt bad for Yuki and Kyo being dragged about they kinda just stood about looking bored.

I picked up a short crop top and some short shorts with a small design on.

"So cute!" Tohru gleamed.

Eventually we moved over to the bra section and of course the boys were half way across the shop.

I picked up a red lace bra with a matching thong holding it up to the boys.

"What do you think?" I smiled watching them go bright red turning around avoiding us.

I couldn't go here without getting some nice lingerie as well.

I added things one by one into my basket as well as some pillows a blanket and a few other small bits and bobs like hair bobbles, shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, razors, tampons and other girly needs.

The boys helped me carry some of my bags as Tohru tugged on my shoulder.

"The swimsuit shop is open! Why don't you get one with the leftover money! We can go to the beach during summer break" she smiled as I nodded just seeing the joy on her face.

"I'm not going in there!" Kyo huffed as I smiled.

"Because your a... chicken!" I teased as he pouted.

"No watch I'll go in and show you!" He yelled storming towards the shop.

We all went in and I almost got overwhelmed by how many there was.

"What's your favourite colour?" Tohru asked as I smiled.

"Orange, I think I'll get a cheap bikini" I smiled.

Kyo instantly tensed up at my words as Yuki tensed up with him.

I held one up looking at it properly.

From the corner of the store I saw Yuki and Kyo blushing like crazy keeping their heads down.

Have they never seen a bikini before or something.

I finally finished shopping as I tried to juggle all the bags I had on the way home.

"It's nearly summer break soon anyways, why don't we all go to the beach?" Tohru smiled as I nodded.

"I'll go" Yuki smiled.

"I'll go but I'm not going in the water!" Kyo groaned as he walked ahead almost going out of our sight.

"What is with him today" I asked as Yuki huffed.

"Probably just moody as always" he sighed.

Was Kyo always moody?

I still hadn't forgotten about that kiss yet.

It was only on the cheek but I couldn't help but feel so special when it happened, I wonder if he felt the same.

What was going through his head to begin with when he was leaning in towards me.

Have I had feelings for Kyo all this time but been so blind to even see it myself?

I felt comforted more around Kyo, I always felt safe and protected like nothing was ever going to hurt me again.

He always seemed like the opposite of me but maybe it's true when opposite attracts.

But it's so hard to even tell what he's thinking, he's always so hard to read, I could never tell what he's thinking.

If I confess I could ruin what we have, but I could also start something new. It was always that risk.

I will tell him soon.. but I don't think now is the right time.

Overlooked Love (Kyo Sohma X Reader story) Where stories live. Discover now