Chapter 26

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Me, Tohru and Yuki had just finished playing all the games we had for the night.

"It's gotten quite late hasn't it" Tohru said gazing outside to the darkness where only the moonlight was lighting up the outside.

I was about to reply when the front door burst open and non other then Kyo and Kagura walked in.

I couldn't bring myself to look at them.

Just by thinking of what happened sent a sharp pain into my chest.

"I'm going to bed" I huffed quietly getting up and walking away.

"Oh walking away are we?" Kagura called as I just ignored her.

I couldn't be bothered to deal with her, she was only jealous because Kyo wants to be around me to protect me.

But I guess I don't need protecting.

I walked into my room closing my door behind me releasing a big sigh.

I need some fresh air.

I walked to the double doors opening them slowly and stepping outside onto my balcony getting greeted by the warm breeze that still flew past.

The moonlight lit up the balcony as I leaned on one of the concreted pillars taking in the breath taking view of the water dancing in the distance, the trees swaying side to side and the moon lighting up the path.

"Beautiful isn't it..." a voice called making me jump out of my skin.

I recognise that voice anywhere.

It was Kyo... I forgot his room was right next to mine, he stood on his balcony not far from me gazing out into the distance.

I couldn't look up to him, instead I just gazed at the water.

"Don't you have a girlfriend you should be with" I spat folding my arms over my chest.

"I sent her home" he sighed.

"That's not very nice... I'm sure she was excited to see you" I sighed just relieved that she had finally gone.

"She isn't my girlfriend Y/N" he spoke catching me off guard.

"I beg to differ" I spoke moving over to the front of the balcony resting my arms on the concrete barrier.

"We've been friends since we were little, she was the only person that would play with me, or be around me for that matter" he sighed moving over to his barrier.

I could feel he was looking this way as I fixated my eyes onto the water ahead of me.

"We made a promise when we were kids that we would be together forever because we both were lonely... ever since middle school she started calling me her boyfriend. It shocks me because that's not what I wanted or what I want now. I didn't have the guts to tell her no before because she was the only girl around me" he spoke.

I could almost hear his voice breaking and trembling a little as he spoke about being lonely.

"I know what it's like to be lonely..." I said looking down to the ground.

"But seeing you being pushed to the ground, getting called names by her and the way you spoke up for me... I finally had the courage to tell her no, that I wasn't interested in her and never would be" he spoke making me lift up my gaze.

I gazed over to his balcony as I looked at him gazing up into the moonlight.

The moon shined on his face, refining his jaw and letting me see him the way I never have before.

His hair was dancing side to side to the breeze, his eyebrows frowned slightly and his jaw clenched, his eyes sparkled as if they were looking into a disco ball, his lips curled up into a small weak smile. His face relaxed before he walked over the side of the balcony where I could be inches away from him.

I moved to the other side where we were only a gap away from being next to each other.

We gazed at each other feeling the breeze stroke our faces.

"I told her I wanted to protect you, to be around you, to spend every moment I have around you because I couldn't see it any other way. You understand me, you make me laugh and your also a pain in the neck" he chuckled making me giggle.

"Kyo..." I whispered.

"I've never had someone speak up for me before..." he spoke quietly.

"Kyo... you don't deserve to be treated like a pet, being confined to a certain person or place. Being told what to do and having to obey them, that isn't how someone should live their life especially a little ginger cat" I giggled as I saw his eyes frown but retuned with a chuckle.

"I actually wanted to tell you about her, but the time never felt right as I knew she would end up causing a problem between us. But someone must of told her that we were getting closer and she just had to be involved" he sighed.

"So there's definitely nothing going on between you two..." I spoke looking for closure.

That was until he extended his arm fully holding out his pinky in front of me.

"I will make a promise with you... there is nothing going on with me and her she was just simply jealous that we were getting closer to each other" he spoke as I reached out my pinky.

"Remember if you break your promise, I get to break your pinky" I smiled as he smiled and nodded back.

"I'd love to see you try" he laughed as I locked my pinky with his.

"Don't tempt me kitty" I chuckled.

"There is something I wanted to tell you on the beach..." he said removing his pinky from mine.

His expression became soft as his eyes glistened, his lips parted softly and a soft blush came onto his cheek.

"What's the matter?" I smiled giving him reassurance.

"I- I.. ac.. actually really... like" he got cut off as Tohru opened my doors to my balcony startling me.

"Oh Hi! I'm sorry to interrupt you! I just came get you, Hatori decided to come over to check on you" Tohru smiled.

"Hatori? It's a bit late isn't it?" I questioned.

She smiled before motioning me to follow.

I gave one last smile to Kyo before I walked off.

Overlooked Love (Kyo Sohma X Reader story) Where stories live. Discover now