Chapter 19

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I finally got out the hospital after discovering that the people I live with can all turn into zodiac animals after being hugged by the opposite sex.

I walked slowly on my crutches heading to my fathers place.

I knew he wouldn't be there anymore but just the thought of revisiting the place made my stomach feel so uneasy.

Yuki, Kyo and Tohru all came with me for support.

As I reached the door I slowly opened it just peeping in a tiny bit.

I could already smell all the mould and dirt that was left in the house.

All I could do was stand at the door frozen as if my legs just wouldn't work.

"I've got your back" a voice called as I felt Tohru link my arm with hers giving me such a sweet innocent smile.

We walked in together with Yuki and Kyo following closely behind.

There was broken bottles everywhere, most of the furniture had been smashed and damaged.

There was food still left out that was going sour and letters that were ripped up and scattered everywhere.

You'd think a serial killer lived here...

"If there's any document, they will be in his room" I said pointing to his door on the left.

"Let us go first" Yuki added placing his foot on my fathers door before beating it down.

Me and Tohru grasped each other tightly probably sensing my fear from being back here.

His bed laid in the corner with stacks and stacks of clothes everywhere. All dirty.

Bottles and papers painted all across the floor.

We all then began searching high and low, any boxes we found, any cabinets and drawers.

That was until I came across a small brown envelope under his dresser.

I pulled it out gazing at the name that it read on the front.

'St Gillion's adoption centre' it read.

My heart sank.

This can't be real...

I slowly pulled out the paper gazing at the writing and the certificate that read the words.

'This is full confirmation from the St Gillion's Adoption Centre. F/N L/N has officially been adopted by Mr and Mrs L/N.
Birth father: unknown
Birth mother: unknown'

My hands stood shaky and cold and I felt a shiver run all the way up my spine.

My life was a complete lie...

Why did mother or father not talk to me about this?

"Did you find it?" Tohru called as she ran over to me being followed by Yuki and Kyo

I could feel them leaning over my shoulder as all I could do was feel nothing but emotionless at what I had just read.

My hands released the paper dropping it onto the floor as I felt Tohru wrap her arms round my body.

"I'm so sorry Y/N" she whispered to me as I slowly stood to my feet taking my crutches again for support.

"I can't believe this..." I muttered

I slowly backed up looking at the sorry faces in front of me.

"It's ok Y/N honestly! This doesn't change anything between us" Tohru yelled as my back pressed up against the cold wall.

"Everything's going to be ok trust us!" Yuki yelled.

"Let's talk about it" Kyo insisted as they began walking towards me like a pile of zombies.

I need to get out of here.

I slowly dragged myself off the wall limping out the door wincing as I placed my crutches down and heading out the house as fast as I could go.

I limped my way down the street feeling Yuki, Kyo and Tohru following me at a safe distance.

I wasn't ready to talk about this, I couldn't even wrap my head round it myself.

It wasn't long before we reached the house again getting greeted by Shigure's smile.

"Y/N welcome-" I stopped him by walking right passed him and making my way up the stairs.

I took myself into my room which was practically done and slammed the door behind me resting my back on the door panting.

All I could do was sob.

Not only was I suppose to believe that the people I live with can turn into animals, but I have to get round the fact I'm adopted and I have a small possibility of being a damn God's half sibling!

I wasn't made to be a God's half sibling I mean...

I'm currently on crutches with a slash down my face and a wound in my leg because my 'father' didn't want me.

And I have my back sitting at a door crying like a toddler because things around me can turn into living animals.

Why didn't they change when they hugged me?

But Momiji hugged Tohru and transformed, and Yuki did the same.

Yet me and Kyo didn't.

And Kyo is part of the zodiac... the cat I believe?

It's so strange.

Maybe it's just a one off! Yeah!

Maybe it's just one them by chances or luck!

No don't be stupid that isn't it...

"You idiot this wouldn't of happened if you just let me talk to her!" Kyo screamed from downstairs.

He seemed very mad.

"Kyo stop!" Tohru yelled.

What the hell was going on?

I opened my door slowly taking my time down the stairs.

I walked into the kitchen and then gazing at the dining room.

Then everyone's eyes turned to me.




And... A cat

I looked at the ground to see a small ginger cat sitting with a huge attitude.

"Kyo..." I puffed out wiping my red sore eyes.

Our gazes locked for a moment before he ran off outside.

"Kyo come back!" Tohru yelled.

She slapped her hands on the table.

She seemed so frustrated, I've never seen her so mad before.

"Did I do something wrong" I added as Tohru sighed.

"No! Kyo just doesn't like people seeing him in his zodiac, it's the first time he's properly yelled at me" she huffed.

Her angry expression now turned to a painful sad one.

She seemed really hurt by his reaction.

"What was going on if you don't mind me asking" I asked as she sighed again.

"I told him not to bother you till you got use to what's been happening, however he insisted on seeing you after hearing your cry's. So I hugged him in order to make him mad and turn into his zodiac form to give you some peace" she said as I sat down next to her.

"Thank you, but I think crying in my room locking myself away won't make the situation any better, a talk would feel nice" I said placing my hand on top of hers which she slightly grasped and nodded.

"I'll let you go get him then he will be on the roof" she smiled as I nodded and smiled back.

I walked off still feeling Shigures and Yuki's eyes burn my head.

Overlooked Love (Kyo Sohma X Reader story) Where stories live. Discover now