Chapter 22

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1004 words.

It was finally the weekend the days just flew past, although I spent most of them trying to catch up on school work that Yuki wrote down for me.

Of course Kyo attempted to help but I was horrible at school work.

"I think I have everything packed" I smiled to Tohru as she sat in my room with me helping me pack my duffle bag.

"Let me take it downstairs for you" she smiled as I smiled back to her.

She does so much for me, I wish I could pay her back some how.

We walked downstairs to see Yuki and Kyo both waiting.

"Your both eager" Tohru giggled.

They both nodded as Tohru double checked everything as Shigure came out of his room.

"Be careful and boys.." he spoke getting Yuki's and Kyo's attention.

"No funny business with the two girls, understood?" Shigure grinned as we watched both the boys go bright red.

"Don't be stupid Shigure!" Yuki yelled.

"What do you mean by funny business?" Tohru asked looking visibly confused.

You've got to be joking...

"Erm... never mind that!" Shigure laughed as I signalled to Tohru to move.

"I'll get your bag Y/N" Kyo spoke as I smiled.

"Don't worry Kyo I can try and manage" I smiled picking up my bag and trying to place my hands in my crutches.

Trying to multitask without putting pressure on my leg was difficult.

I made it to the door though!

It only took around ten minutes...

"I got it" Kyo said taking the bag from my hand.

He lifted it up also carrying his in the other hand.

Tohru then stood next to me before waving to Shigure bye.

We all started walking till we met Hatori at the side of the road.

"Thank you for taking us Hatori" I smiled as he smiled back helping me get into the car.

I sat in the middle next to Kyo and Yuki while Tohru sat in the front.

We all buckled up before we started on the road.

"How long does it take exactly?" I asked wanting to know how long I was going to be pressed up against both boys.

"About two hours" Tohru smiled turning back to me.

I nodded and give her a low smile in response.

Two hours to be sandwiched between two boys.


I always hated car journeys they always made me extremely tired.

I started yawning not even minutes into the ride.

"Did you get enough sleep last night?" Yuki asked catching my attention.

"Oh I did! I'm not really a travel fan, I tend to get really sleepy" I said scratching the back of my neck already feeling my eye lids grow heavy.

My head began bobbing slowly as I did my best to keep my head up and straight.

That was until I felt a warm hand get pressed on the side of head against my ear as I turned my head to greet Kyo's eyes.

"You can lie on me.. I don't mind.." he spoke softly as he rested my head carefully on his shoulder.

Unfortunately since he was pretty muscly his shoulder was pretty boney and not very comfy.

"Can I lay my head on your lap?" I spoke quietly just catching only his attention.

He nodded as I slowly bent down my head resting my head onto his thigh.

Nobody seemed to question it

Within a second I got tired and shut my eyes.

Before I fell into a deep sleep I felt Kyo's hand softly brush a piece of my hair out my face before leaving a small touch on the top of my head.

It left tingles everywhere and made me feel warm and protected.

I knew I was safe with him.

But I can't let him torture himself.

He's never left my side since the accident, he's constantly watching me, every step I make he's right next to me watching incase I fall.

He's my first good morning and my last goodnight.

It's almost like he's joint to the hip with me.

He would probably end up coming into the bathroom with me if I let him!

I feel bad and selfish that he has a need to watch over me just because of an accident.

I wonder if deep inside he never wants to see me or be around me, but he's so scared that he feels like he needs to have a constant watch on me.

I know he wants to protect me, but if protecting me if hurting him and ruining his freedom then I don't want to be protected.

At least I'll have known his true feelings wether he wanted to be around me or not.

And I'll have experienced getting closer to him, getting to know him. The things that make him laugh, smile, cry, and worry.

I must let him know that he doesn't need to be around me.

I have loved his company, and yes it might hurt me not having him around as much. I even thought we were getting quite close to each other.

I rather let him have freedom in what he wants then feeling like he has to protect some small weak girl.

It might be best after it if I just distance myself from him all together.

I'll get a job and move out as soon as, then eventually we'd slowly drift apart from each other and then from the group.

It hurts to think like that.

But if it's going to be best for everyone where they don't have to worry about me or care for me or listen to any demands I can't do.

Then I don't want to torture them.

I don't want to hold them back from living their own lives simply because I couldn't defend myself when I needed to.

How pathetic and selfish can I get?

I will talk it over with Kyo when the time is right.

Surely I'm hurting him just by being around.

Overlooked Love (Kyo Sohma X Reader story) Where stories live. Discover now