Chapter 6

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I stepped outside for some fresh air for a little bit, just longing to get away from the intense staring and the stupid rehearsals.

I stood still for a moment before I made my way round the side of the house seeing a pair of ladders that lead the roof.

Without thinking I began climbing them and happily sat on the roof on the cold tiles, bringing my knees up to my chest and resting my head on my knees.

I sighed loudly just while taking in the slight breeze.

I was happy just to be out of the crowd a little bit, since I'm not use to it, i was happy to get a little break away from it all.

Especially when we have to rehearse this play in front of our year.

"Why did I agree to do this stupid play" I muttered to myself feeling almost overwhelmed at the thought of having to preform it for my year.

It took a second before I heard a small little creak come from one of the tiles where I shot up grabbing the person by the leg and slamming them down on the tiles.

I quickly aimed my hand across their neck before I came in contact with his honey filled eyes.



"I... erm.. I.. got a s...shock" I whimpered instantly letting go of him and standing up to walk up.

Before I could his hand grabbed onto mine stopping me from moving.

Yet again my whole hand almost set on fire and tingles ran up and down my body.

It felt like ages we were there as neither of us spoke a word to each other.

"Kyo..." I finally spoke up.

"What move do you call that?" He asked kinda catching me off guard.

That was the last thing I thought he was going to say.

"Erm.. I don't have a name for it, it's just something I learned from my mother" I said making him release his hand from mine.

Instead of leaving I took a seat next to him.

"My mother taught me some martial arts when I was little to attempt to protect myself" I said breaking the peaceful silence that was going on.

"That was...pretty cool I do martial arts as well" Kyo said smiling

I think that is the first time I've seen him properly smile from ear to ear.

He looked like a cute little child it made me smile.

"You should try and fight Yuki he's undefeated!" Kyo said.

"I bet I could beat him" I giggled.

"Even I can't beat him and that's saying something" Kyo chuckled as I couldn't help but stare into him.

The sun was just about to set as the sky was filling with amazing and beautiful colours. Kyo's hair shined so bright like it was his most prominent feature.

His eyes almost captured my heart as I felt myself being pulled forward more and more towards them. I have to pull back.

"So.. this play? What do you think of it?" He said snapping me out of the trance I was under.

"I'm not really a people person so I'm not a fan of doing it, but I'm happy just to be part of a group" I smiled creating a small distance between us.

"I'm the same myself" he chuckled gazing at me.

It felt like time had just stopped for a moment when it was us two talking.

It was sad that our silence was interrupted by a very rough breeze and we saw Tohru on the ground in the garden.

"There you both are! We've wrote out the rest come and have a look!" She gleamed as we both stood up making our way down the ladder.

The breeze came by again shaking the ladder slightly which I gripped onto dear life. It was until I saw Kyo grip the ladder still.

"Be careful" he said as I nodded.

I made my way down slowly and waited for him at the bottom.

"Let's get this over and done with" I sighed as he nodded.

We entered the room to see everyone gathered round the table and Shigure standing by the kitchen doorway.

"So Have a nice chat love birds?" Uotani grinned and Kyo's face went bright red.

"Shut up!" He yelled causing her to laugh.

"Just sit down let's get this finished" Yuki said as I happily took a seat next to Yuki as he smiled and handed me my note book.

"I wrote your last line would you like to skim read it just to make sure everything is ok?" He smiled at me as all I could do was nod.

It was like I almost lost my words just trying to speak to him.

I picked up my book avoiding his eye contact and read through the book.

'The poor girl ran to the rich boy where they finally got reunited after months of being kept apart, right then they decided to make a promise and stay together all the time. No matter what situations happen they will go through it together'

"So me and Kyo need to make a promise?" I said as Yuki nodded.

"Ok Kyo I promise that I will beat you in a fight one day" I laughed as I saw Kyo smack his note book down on the table before smirking at me.

"And I promise Y/N that you will not beat me" he laughed before I held up my pinky.

We locked pinky's quickly before Yuki turned to me.

"You fight?" He smiled as I nodded.

"Self taught Taekwondo and karate" I smiled feeling proud of myself.

"You do that and you never told us!" Uotani yelled smiling.

"It's just a small hobby" I smiled.

"Well when you and Kyo fight make sure I get front row seats!" She laughed as I couldn't help but chuckle.

I think I was finally starting to feel at ease in my group of werido's.

Although they could ditch me right after the play

At least I would of known what it was like to feel friendship.

Overlooked Love (Kyo Sohma X Reader story) Where stories live. Discover now