Chapter 12

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It was the day of the play and I was beyond nervous.

Tohru woke me up and made such a perfect breakfast which we all ate in peace, before we got ready and all made our way together to school.

I felt somewhat at ease.

But the closer we got to school the more my anxiety would play up.

"Do you all know your lines!" Tohru said instantly making my skin crawl just by the thought of it.

I don't have any problem remembering lines, I just have a problem with standing up in front of the class.

It took me a moment to come back into reality when Tohru's hand slipped into mine.

"It's going to go fine" she smiled at me as I smiled back.

It's amazing how she can notice the smallest thing when something is wrong.

As we walked into class Uotani and Hanajima were already sitting down at their seats.

"Hi kid! That bruise is looking much better, you feeling better now?" Uotani smiled pointing to my cheek.

I had completely forgot my bruise was barely even visible now.

They didn't seem like they knew about the whole situation of my father. That is good.

"Yes thank you. Are you ready for this play?" I asked as she smiled.

"Ready as I'll ever be, what about you Hanajima?" Uotani smiled turning to her as she smiled brightly.

"Never been more excited to play a witch" she laughed evilly giving us all the creeps.

Her personality matched a witch perfectly, a nice witch. Who only tried to do good in the world but wouldn't be frightened to use dark magic on horrible people.

Uotani's personality matched a knights, strong yet some what sensitive on certain topics.

Yuki's personality matched a fathers who was really seriously all the time but also caring and loving with a sensitive side.

Tohru's personality matched a mother's who was so caring, gentle and sensitive always making people laugh and caring for other people before herself.

Kyo's matched a hot headed prince who didn't really care about anything or anyone, but once he did he clings to it.

"Ok students we shall do our group activities today, this will take all day and you will get an hour for lunch. So first we are going to start off with the ones that are going to take the longest" the teacher spoke.

"Tohru, Yuki, Kyo, Hanajima, Uotani and Y/N your up first" she spoke making a chill run down my spine giving me shivers.

"Yes miss we have everything set up in the hall, if everyone wants to follow" Tohru smiled standing up with her workbook.

We all stood up with her as Tohru practically lead the whole class down to the hall.

As we walked in everything was set up and ready for us to use. The pool was now covered in the fake bushes and plants they had.

There was a fake bridge separating both the lands apart.

All the chairs where set out for the audience with a guide book on the seats on what the play was about.

"You guys really did a lot" I said as I turned to Hanajima who was next to me.

"It was pretty fun to do, I'm really sad you missed it because we really missed you" she smiled as I couldn't help but blush.

Her words just brought a massive smile onto my heart.

They missed me.

"Yeah you should of seen Kyo he practically rushed back to your house to see if you were ok everyday. Not to mention he would beg for the day to be over so he could go and check" Uotani laughed.

Ah that's right Uotani and Hanajima don't know I live their now. Tohru must of told them I was ill at home.

But why was Kyo so distressed if he doesn't even like me that much?

I snapped out when Tohru motioned me back stage dragging me to the costume part.

"Here's the outfit we picked out for you, now let's quickly get changed" Tohru smiled holding up a small dress which looked dirty and a little ragged about.

I was the poor daughter so I had to pretend to be poor.

We quickly got changed as I stood next to Tohru at the end of the stage as she platted my hair quickly tying it up and messing it about a little, she was almost dressed the same. 

Yuki and Kyo must be on the other side.

Eventually the curtain lifted and Tohru held my hand dragging me onto the stage.

The lights flashed on us both as we stood outside the cardboard cutout of our 'house' we had.

I felt my heart rate pick up massively just turning to look at all our class who was now sat in the seats watching us.

"My young daughter, you must find someone suitable to marry, I won't be around forever" Tohru spoke as the spotlight moved to me.

Tohru's grip tightened on my hands as I turned to look into her eyes.

"Y..yes mother, I will find someone suitable like a farmer or a merchant, but for now I will go pick up some apples for dinner" I smiled at Tohru as she leaned in giving me a small hug.

The curtains moved again as me and Tohru came off the stage quickly getting ready for our next scene. I scanned my book at my lines until I realised this was my scene where I meet Kyo.

Why did I feel so nervous?

I've seen Kyo plenty of times.

But for some reason I felt extra nervous for it just to be me and him on the stage, especially when we have to pretend to fall in love and become lovers with one another.

I'm sure Kyo was secretly gagging about the scene we had next.

I wouldn't be surprise if he just didn't even turn up on the stage.

But let's get this over and done with.

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