Chapter 20

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I made my way slowly up to the roof wincing at the pain in my leg till I came in view with Kyo who was back into his human form fully dressed.

"Kyo..." I called seeing him jolt up.

"Y/N! You shouldn't be up here you'll hurt your leg even more!" He yelled standing up making his way over to me.

I smiled shyly before his hand stretched out in front of me signalling for me to grab.

I grabbed his hand as he pulled me up effortlessly pulling me slightly into his body for balance.

"You need to be more careful" he scoffed guiding me down to sit on the cool tiles.

"Thank you" I smiled.

He nodded before taking a seat slowly next to me.

The sky began filling with many colours as day turned into evening.

The awkward silence filled the air and I couldn't help but feel almost uncomfortable at us just sitting in silence. What the hell am I suppose to say anyways?

'Oh Kyo your lucky I'm a cat person'


"Erm...." I spoke but he soon cut me off.

"I'm sorry Y/N I didn't want you to see me in my zodiac form, not only am I embarrassed by it but I hate being it. I never wanted to tell you because I never wanted to lose you.. as I felt like I was... beginning to like you in a type of way." he spoke as a slight blush crawled on his cheeks.

My stomach got huge butterflies and my heart was practically pounding out my chest by his words.

"Kyo, nothing would ever change the way I see you, plus I think being a cat has it perks. It explains all the quick reactions you have and the fact you can land on your feet and also how you hate water so much" I giggled.

"But on a serious note. It doesn't change anything because you don't change around me, even if you did I'd just be curious but I'm glad we can hug if it means anything to you" I smiled.

He smiled back as I couldn't help but get lost into his captivating eyes.

"I like hugging you" he smiled.

"Me too, thank you for wanting to come and check up on me. And at the hospital for staying I owe you" I chuckled as he chuckled back.

"I was just really worried, but when I heard you crying upstairs my body flared up in anger and sadness that you felt that way. I know it's pretty scary after what you've been told but I promised you in the hospital, I WILL keep you safe and protected I will never leave you out my sight" he smiled softly resting his hand on top of mine.

My hand rushed with blood making it hot as I couldn't help but go redder then a tomato.

"Things are scary right now, but I promise everything will be ok because we are all here for you and support you" he smiled.

He knew exactly what to say...

He was so.. precious to me.

"Thanks Kyo... I really needed to hear that, it's just such a shock and upsetting. But if it means I can hug you and be around you then I see some sort of bonus to it" I smiled feeling myself be on the brink of tears.

We stayed silent for a moment before Kyo brought his hand up to my face.

My eyes had began watering without me knowing.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled.

I think this whole thing about the adoption was a shock to me. Even the fact I have a possible half sibling that's a god to all these animals.

I would probably never get over the shock.

Kyo's fingers gently grazed across my cheek wiping my tears leaving a warmth only he could bring.

"We will get through it together, if you need anyone to talk to I'm here" he mumbled.

I nodded as I turned my face only to realise how close our faces had gotten.

We were inches apart

We stared at each other just gazing into one another eyes. His eyes drew me in instantly as if I dived into a pool of honey. The little spark in his eyes only made it that more special.

With that his face started leaning closer and closer in to me.

All I could do was freeze on the spot.

His face came slightly passed mine as I felt his arms pull me more into his shoulder.

And with that a small wet mark was left on my cheek.

He pulled apart instantly giving me an innocent smile.

"Let's go grab some food" he smiled as where he once was, was now replaced with cool air.

I was speechless.

This was like that time in the play.

Surely he has some sort of interest in me to be kissing my cheek?

He slowly stood up making his way to stand in front of me holding out both of his hands.

I stared at his hands almost stupidly looking like a blushing mess.

I eventually grabbed them and he led me to the ladders.

"Let me help you" he spoke pulling me into his body yet again as I pretty much dove my blushing face into his jacket.

I was still pretty speechless by the situation.

He took me down carefully watching my every step.

We then walked into the dining room again seeing everyone sat politely round the table.

"Your back! I was thinking maybe next weekend since it's the summer holidays we could go to the beach one day?!" Tohru exclaimed as Yuki nodded.

"We can use the Sohma vacation house" Yuki added.

"Perfect! You in?" She smiled looking towards me.

"Of course I'm in" I smiled as she clapped her hands together.

"I'll take it that Kyo will also be joining" she giggled as he nodded to her.

"I'm not going to go, I have some business to attend" Shigure smiled as we all nodded.

"Then it's settled! Let me get tea started" Tohru chirped as she stood up and made her way into the kitchen.

Me and Kyo both took a seat at the table as Yuki was gazing at Shigure almost as if they were talking through their minds.

A Rat and a dog can't do that right?

Overlooked Love (Kyo Sohma X Reader story) Where stories live. Discover now