Chapter 30

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(Last chapter thank you everyone for the lovely support I'd never even think I'd get one reader but the support I've had has been amazing! Have a lovely day!)

1075 words.

Kyo slowly put me down still holding onto my waist so I could balance.

"Would you like to take your outfit off for your bikini? Then I can take you down to the water for a little?" He spoke quietly not removing his gaze from me.

I nodded slowly and surely removing my flip flops, top and shorts till I was left standing in my bikini.

His eyes never broke contact with mine.

He slowly took off his top and bottoms and trainers revealing his matching shorts with my bikini.

"Now how about we have a dip" he smiled down at me as I felt myself being captured by his smile.

"Kyo... why are you doing all of this" I said resting my hands on his bare shoulders just feeling his warmth radiate through my fingers.

"I want to show you... how much I care for you" he smiled picking me up swiftly again running down to the ocean.

"Kyo slow down!" I yelled practically gripping onto him for dear life.

I wrapped both my hands round his neck and lifted my legs up and around his waist so I was clinging onto him.

His arms fell round my lower back holding me up and practically tucking me into his bare body.

"I got you" he laughed still running down to the water.

He stopped when we got ankle deep and tightened his grip around my back telling me it was ok to stop latching onto him now.

I lifted my gaze up coming face to face from him inches apart.

"If this was comfier for you, you could of said" he smiled lifting me up further.

My legs were tightly round his waist and my body laid onto his.

"Lean back" he smiled as I looked at him jokingly.

"Trust me" he smiled as I nodded.

I released my hands from his neck and leaned back slowly.

The waves crashed by his feet as I happily sat comfortably round him trusting him to hold me up.

"You look so beautiful in this sunlight" he smiled as I turned to him.

His gaze wondered my whole body landing lastly on my eyes before he smiled ear to ear.

"There's been something I've wanted to tell you for a while" he smiled before his gaze landed down to my lips.

There was that glimpse in his eyes again.

I bit my lip impatiently as I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks.

"I really.. like-" his voice stopped when Tohru and Yuki laughed running into the water beside us.

Both our gazes moved to them splashing and playing about as I felt a gentle grip on my chin.

Kyo held his finger under my chin holding it firmly to face him.

"I can never get my words out because we keep getting interrupted, let me just show you..." he spoke quietly.

I stood clueless as he started moving his face in closer and closer.

This was a dream!

Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

I shut my eyes tightly and eventually his lips collided with mine.

The goosebumps jumped all over my body, the butterflies did multiple backflips in my tummy, the tingles made my body warm and made me melt on the spot.

I rested my hands slowly on his chest before I gently kissed him back.

Our lips moved in sync passionately before we both pulled apart panting.

The spark in his eyes was like looking in the sun directly.

"I really... love you... I have for a while now" he smiled his face more bright red then a tomato.

"Kyo... is this real..." I smiled as he nodded.

"I love you too" I smiled wrapping my arms around him pulling him into a tight hug.

He pulled my body away again slamming his lips onto me again more needy this time.

I couldn't help but kiss him back with all I had just longing for the feeling of his lips on mine.

"Go Y/N wooooo!" Tohru yelled from the water making us both pull back in embarrassment.

"Although I hate the water, I'll never forget our first kiss was in the water with you in my arms" he smiled as I smiled back.

"About my dream as well... it was about you kissing me" I smiled hiding my face away from him for a little.

"I've had them dreams for a while now.. it was practically eating me up knowing I couldn't find the right time to kiss you because people kept dragging you away from me" he chuckled.

"It's ok now, I'm glad you told me how you felt... and I can't express to you how long I've been waiting for you to tell me so I could return the same feelings" I smiled as he pressed his forehead against mine smiling.

"Let's just keep this a secret though, apart from Yuki and Tohru of course" he laughed looking at the two playing in the ocean.

"As long as I get to be around you Kyo I couldn't ask for anything else" I smiled as he took us out the water and placed me down in the sand.

"How about we build a sandcastle together?" He smiled as I nodded.

He sat closely next to me helping me pat down the sand and stack it up.

Eventually Tohru and Yuki came running out of the water.

"Congrats on finally telling her Kyo" Tohru smiled as I stared confused before Kyo took my hand into his.

"I told her I liked you, and she helped me plan it out. This beach day was actually in attempt to get some peace and quiet to tell you how I felt" he smiled as I smiled.

"Well thank you for planning it" I chuckled as she nodded.

"You guys make a perfect couple! And trust me I'll carry this secret to my grave!" She smiled as Yuki placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I promise to do the same, congrats" he smiled as me and Kyo took a look at each other before smiling.

"I love you so much" he smiled resting his forehead onto mine again.

I closed my eyes just feeling his warmth radiate from him.

I love you so much Kyo.

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