Chapter 23

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1120 words.

We finally reached the vacation house and
Tohru was right.

This place was massive and impressive!

The beach was a two minute walk and the scenery was beautiful.

The house had over six rooms and three bathrooms.

We all stepped inside as Kyo happily brought my bag in placing it by my side.

"Ok so Tohru and Me will take the rooms on the left, Y/N and Kyo you can take the rooms on the right" Yuki said as Kyo lifted up my bags for me again.

We all walked upstairs as Kyo brought my bag into my room.

The room was amazing! It had a king size bed a wardrobe and an en suite. Some glass double doors led out to a small balcony on the side.

"Thank you Kyo" I smiled watching him return the smile.

"I'm right next door if you need me" Kyo spoke as he turned on his feet ready to walk out.

"Kyo...!" I shouted almost startling him.

He turned around slowly before giving me a small little smile.

I could melt on the spot...

"I.. I was wondering..." why was I sweating.

My hands were sweating, my face began to turn a bright red, my whole body set on fire, butterflies turned into my stomach and my heart practically pounded out my chest.

"I.. you.. don't have.. to.. look" I spat trying to take deep breaths to calm myself down.

But right now I was being stared at by him as if I was an idiot.

"Y/N! Kyo! Let's go to the beach now while it's still sunny!" Tohru shouted barging into the room.

"Sure.. will you help me Tohru" I said changing the subject

I was mentally slapping myself in the face.

Why couldn't I tell him?

Why couldn't I spit my words out!?

It's like my body had a malfunction.

"Of course I can help!" Tohru smiled.

"No boys allowed!" Tohru yelled to Kyo who was casually standing in the middle of my room.

I knew he was looking at me as I felt his eyes burn a hole in the top of my head.

I couldn't bare myself to look at him.

I glared at the carpet hoping he would pull away his gaze.

Eventually Tohru pushed him out the room slamming the door behind him.

I instantly took a deep breath feeling some what relieved I didn't have to confront it right now.

"What's with him" Tohru giggled before coming over to my bag and picking out an outfit.

"Wear your bikini underneath this" she smiled holding up my pink cami top and my blue denim shorts.

I nodded and began undressing myself as she threw me my bikini.

Tohru then began getting ready into her pink swimsuit and helping me as she went along.

She quickly put my hair into some braids before spraying some of her deodorant on me.

"You look so pretty" she chimed as I smiled.

"No your so pretty!" I giggled.

"Are you ready to go now?" She smiled as I nodded.

I followed her out the room and down the stairs taking my time with them.

Of course Yuki and Kyo were already waiting.

"That suits you well Y/N! Tohru you look amazing in that" Yuki smiled making us both blush.

"It's an outfit Tohru picked out for me" I smiled twirling around in my pink top.

"Thank you Yuki" Tohru gleamed.

With that we all started walking.

I walked further behind as I still couldn't bring my eyes up to meet Kyo's.

How was I suppose to tell him I don't want him around because it ruins his freedom?

I sighed to myself before continuing.

"You ok Y/N you look a little stressed?" Yuki added stopping me in my tracks.

All of sudden Kyo and Tohru also stopped, glaring at me.

"I'm fine" I spoke not bringing my eyes up to meet his.

"You can talk to us you know.." Yuki spoke as I nodded.

"Really I'm fine! Just my leg is causing me some pain" I lied trying to laugh it off hoping they'd buy it.

"Kyo can give you a piggyba-"

"No!" I cut him off by raising my tone.

I couldn't even look at Kyo never mind getting a piggyback from him.

"I'm fine!" I spoke louder this time before setting on my crutches again walking past everyone.

Everyone followed behind me at a slow pace as we reached the most beautiful beach I've ever seen.

I took a step down into the sand removing my sandals.

The sand felt amazing.

The water was almost clear.

The sun was going down but it was still incredibly warm.

I wanted to be here forever.

"This is amazing" I spoke to myself getting cut off by Tohru.

"I love it here" she smiled next to me as I smiled.

"Now let's get the tent up!" Tohru said pulling a small tent out from her bag.

We walked a bit further down before we laid it on the sand.

"Yuki, Kyo would you mind setting it up?" Tohru smiled.

She turned to me patting my back walking in the opposite direction.

As we started walking she spoke.

"You know I'm here for you anytime you want, I don't want you feeling stressed or left out. I'll sit and build sandcastles with you and play games with you. I know you can't go in the water but I'm also here to listen to your problems" she spoke softly taking my hand gently into hers.

"I'm just not feeling great" I sighed giving into her kindness.

She squeezed my hand before smiling.

"Tell me I'm here" she spoke.

Them words made me feel so special.

"I feel like by being protected by Kyo I'm ruining his freedom... not only his but yours and Yuki's, I've put you through so much already. And I'm selfish for needing this much care. But I don't want to ruin you guys from having freedom" I said as she just smiled that smile of hers.

"Kyo never shuts up about you, he really wants to be next to you, I can tell by the way he smiles with you, laughs with you, jokes with you and just looks at you.
You are his freedom" she spoke softly but them words meant everything to me.

"As for me and Yuki, we are happy to help. I love having you around and wouldn't have it any other way" she spoke again before gently wrapping her arms round me.

I wrapped them back tucking my head into her neck.

She knew what I wanted and needed.

They all were my freedom, just like I am theirs.

Overlooked Love (Kyo Sohma X Reader story) Where stories live. Discover now