Chapter 3

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[slight warning: Small details of attending a funeral and abuse, which may be uncomfortable for some readers]

1016 words.

Kyo never showed up the rest of the night, after I finished my tea I made a slow walk home greeting an empty house yet again.

Sometimes I wish this house wasn't empty, I wish it was filled with the same laugher and joy that me and my family had almost everyday.

Me and Mother were almost joined at the hip when I was little. I would do everything she did and never wanted to be separated from her. When I started middle school she was always waiting for me at the gates ready to take me home and almost crush me in hugs and kisses.

She would sit and listen to my every problem I had, she would constantly give me advice about how to go about making friends and inviting them over for food.

The day I lost her was almost the day I lost everything with it. She was my world and the only person I relied on for anything.

I'll never forget that day...


The summer breeze was so peaceful and quiet almost to quiet.

My mother always picked me up from the gates but today she wasn't there.

Maybe she was still busy at work that she couldn't!

I skipped my way home from school ready to tell her all about my day. The sun was still shining and the sky was filled with such a bright blue.

As I reached my door I instantly felt uneasy with every step I made.

I walked into the house getting greeted with a dark and gloomy room almost terrifying me.

"Mother...?" I called out waiting for her to spring round the corner and cuddle me to death.

But instead I got greeted by my father weeping at the table.

"Hello father... I'm home.." I mumbled as he lifted his tear filled eyes gazing at me in such despair.

I quietly took a seat in front of him staring at the phone that laid on the table which was still open.

"Where's mother..?" I asked glancing round the house.

"I'm sorry sweetheart..." my father weeped.

"What's wrong?" I asked making my way over to him wiping a tear away from his face.

His arms wrapped round me gripping onto me so tightly before he softly spoke.

"Your... mother died in a car accident.. coming home from work.. I'm so sorry"  he cried.

My brain took a while to process what he said as I stood almost in shock.

"No... she's coming home.." I mumbled as my father glared at me in the eyes.

"She's not coming back... she's gone" he cried never breaking eye contact with me.

The pain in his eyes was almost unbearable to look at.

I couldn't even bring myself to cry as I sat in my fathers arms almost lifeless at the information I had received.

I still didn't believe it was real until the day I attended her funeral.

I stood in front of her grave on the rainy day and sobbed my eyes out almost crying for some sort of help.

I cried and cried wishing for the pain to just disappear as I felt a hole being made in my heart.

That night we came home my father drank and drank never stopping even after he had fallen over multiple times.

I tried stopping him or getting him to put the drink down but it never worked, every attempt I did would always end up with me being slapped across the face as if he didn't want anything to do with me.

Was it because I looked like mother?

My long light brown hair, my emerald green eyes, my rosy cheeks, my slim body and my personality all matched up with hers.

As it got worse I stopped going to school and stopped speaking letting my grades deteriorate rapidly and what socials I did have I ended up losing.

It felt like almost everyday a letter would get posted through the door complaining about my father debt he had which he read and drank it away.

The debt on the house and the debt of all the things he had never paid for including his phone and all the money he 'borrowed' from people he called 'friends'

As I grew up into high school I started attending more as my father would always be lurking around the house during the day so school was a perfect excuse for me to leave to escape him from a little.

However when I got home I would always be reminded of the things I never did and of what could of been done.

As my father inflicts his anger onto me each time.


I made my way into the kitchen staring at all the empty bottles on the counter.


I counted as I looked at each bottle.

There's got to be a way I can get myself out of this situation. But sadly without a job there isn't much I can do right now.

As I continued scanning the bottles a letter caught my gaze from the side.

I picked it up pulling it from the envelope and reading it slowly.

'If you do not pay this soon you will be evicted' my eyes scanned the letter only picking out the important words that stood out.

Another eviction threat.

I placed it back in the envelope and tossed it onto the pile of letters which all had the same writing inside.

Sooner or later I'm going to be kicked out.

I need to find something to do fast before this gets any worse on my behalf.

I sighed as I walked into my room locking my door behind me giving me some sort of security in my own house.

Placing my bag down I quickly got changed before lying on my bed.

I hold back my tears so much every night. But lately it's almost like a burden that's been piled on top of me where my tears can't stop themselves from falling down my face.

I feel pathetic.

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