Chapter 4

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"Good morning Y/N!" A voice called as I turned around to see Tohru walking in from the gates with Yuki and Kyo following closely behind.

"Hey.." I smiled at her as I met Kyo and Yuki's gaze which was already burning into my skull.

Do these guys have staring contests for a living!

"Are you going to class? Let me walk with you!" She smiled patting me on the back making me walk next to her.

I felt almost insecure having two guys stare holes into the back of my head.

Seriously if they don't like me then I rather they just say!

We made it to class where we all took our seats in the groups we were placed in yesterday.

Me, Uotani and Hanajima

Kyo, Tohru and Yuki

As Tohru began babbling about the play I gazed over at Kyo who now took the seat opposite me.

I placed my head in my hands rubbing my face gently trying to distract myself from staring at him.

"So Y/N? Any ideas for this bit?" Tohru spoke up catching my attention.

I looked at the paper she had placed in front of me all about the play.

'A beautiful story of a couple who have a forbidden love story they can't see each other due to strict family's one being filthy rich and the other being extremely poor. but they eventually find a way to be together'

This sounds like some sort corny romance.

"Erm... is this like a romance play?" I asked.

"Of course! It's spring it's the most perfect time to do a wonderful love story!" Tohru chirped as I smiled back.

She pulled the paper away from me as I sat twisting my fingers round the other.

Why out of all things does it have to be a romantic play.

"Uotani I think your the perfect role for the knight! That protects the rich son from coming in contact with the poor maiden!" Tohru smiled as she laughed.

"You know me to well!" She gleamed.

"Hanajima you could play the witch that gives the lovers their destined fate!" Tohru smiled as Hanajima nodded.

"Yuki will play Kyo's dad being part of the rich family! And Y/N I'll play your mother! Being part of the poor family!" She smiled.

"So Kyo and Y/N that means you'll be the lovers" Tohru chirped as me and Kyo both looked at each other shocked for a moment before we both yelled.

"Wait wait wait!" We both said before we gazed at each other again.

"I'm the least likeliest person! I don't even know how to act romantic!" I said flapping my arms about.

"And why put me as a main character! I hate the attention being on me!" Kyo whined.

"Come on guys it will be great! We can only practice and try!" Uotani said as me and Kyo shot each other a death glare.

We both sat there looking at each other for a moment before we sighed.

"I'm only trying it for the sake of getting it over with" I sighed.

"Fine, whatever" Kyo sighed folding his arms across his chest.

I barely even knew the guy for even an hour and now I have to pretend that me and him are lovers!

I was the most horrible romantic person! I couldn't even bag myself a boyfriend in real life never mind pretending!

"Ok let's begin writing the script!" Tohru said pulling out her papers and began scribbling down ideas.

"I think the lovers should kiss..." Uotani laughed causing me and Kyo to blush uncontrollably.

"Absolutely not!" Kyo yelled causing people in the class to turn and look at us.

"It was a joke chill!" Uotani laughed.

"Why don't we all go to my place again tonight so we can rehearse a little after all we've only got just over a week to prepare this" Yuki smiled locking his gaze with mine.

"As always we are in" Uotani smiled before looking at me.

"You coming kid?" She smiled at me as I nodded.

'Can Yuki Sohma that's Yuki Sohma please come to the class club room immediately'

The school tannoy rang through the classroom.

Yuki sighed before he stood up and smiled.

"Duty calls, I shouldn't be to long" he smiled before walking out the class.

Being student council president must be hard, he has to do most of the work himself and he barely gets any breaks.

Even during our study last night when he joined us again he had to do student council work but he did chirp in with ideas for the play now and again.

It might as well be us 4 girls doing it.

Yuki always has council work and Kyo just sits there staring around and never helps. Not to mention that he walked off last night and never even bothered to contribute.

Then again he doesn't seem impressed about the whole idea of a play anyways but then again neither am I.

I wasn't impressed with even joining the group at first but I suppose I rather be in a group then work alone on a project and feel left out again.

On my last project for the spring festival I ended up working by myself and didn't even manage to come up with an idea for the actual day so the teacher sent me home instead as no other group would accept me in.

There was food stalls and cute little ideas for couples and little funny ones such as a cosplay cafe and even a little petting room where students brought small animals in such as hamsters and guinea pigs in to pet.

I felt so lonely and so left out since I was the only one who didn't have a project or could even think of a project.

I still remember my class members at the time whispering about how pathetic I was, about how I couldn't find myself a group, or even find some friends in general.

That day I think the whole school found out about me. How gloomy and sad I was and how I had no friends.

So what made Tohru Honda approach me? Was it because I'm so unapproachable that she seemed so attached to let me join her group or was it because she was missing a member and I was just another fill in as usual.

I was probably just another fill in.. but then again she smiles with me as if I was her best friend.

And all of them treat me as if I've been in front of them the entire time.

I do hope this doesn't end because I want to experience what having real friends feels like.

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