Chapter 9

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(Small warning: mentions of abuse such as choking, getting slammed down and shouted at which could be upsetting for some readers)

1085 words.

It was finally the end of the day and I couldn't help but stretch my arms out releasing a massive yawn, exhausted wasn't in it.

I walked to the gates instantly meeting Tohru, Yuki and... why was Kyo here?

"Hey" I smiled walking up to Tohru as she grinned, noticing my confusion.

"Kyo decided to tag along I hope that's ok" she smiled as I gazed at him who averted his gaze away from me.

Why come if he doesn't even want to look at me?

"Sure..." I said just wanting to be there and get this over and done with.

We all walked quite peacefully to my house when we got outside.

"Please just wait here, my house isn't suitable for guests right now... I'll be out in a second" I smiled to them as they nodded.

As I pulled out my keys I noticed the door was already unlocked.


My heart rate picked up as I couldn't help but shake at the thought of him being in the house. Especially with my friends waiting outside for me.

I stepped in quietly closing the door behind me quietly.

I sneaked my way into my room locking my door behind me and quickly grabbing my belongings.

He must be showering, nows my chance.

I think I had every thing I needed as I did a small checklist in my head before grabbing my bags and making a break for it at the door.

"Hold it!" A voice called instantly sending cold shivers down my back.

"Where do you think your going!?" The voice boomed as I turned around to see my father in all his disgust eyeing me down.

"I'm stopping out..." I mumbled.

It wasn't long before he grabbed my neck tightly pushing me against the wall making me drop my bags, his breath stunk of alcohol and his clothes dirtier then anything.

"Don't mumble!" He screamed in my face.

"I'm stopping out" I spoke up before he threw me against the wall again causing tears to form in my eyes as I began to almost choke.

"You aren't allowed! Your not even allowed to have friends you pathetic girl!" He screamed as I couldn't help but let tears slide down my face.

"Look at you crying you pathetic freak!" He screamed tossing me to the floor before he crawled on top of me.

I did my best to push him off with all I had, but looking at my father in his state I couldn't help but turn weak.

"Do you need a beating to remind you!?" He screeched.

"No!" I yelled crying.

"What did you just say slut!?" He yelled.

His hand shot up ready to punch me.

All I could do was close my eyes and hope for the best he would stop himself.

But instead no punch came, and in a second his weight was lifted off my body.

I open my tear filled eyes to be greeted with Yuki's.


Kyo had pushed my father down dropping him on his knees as my father fought for his breath.

"Who are you freaks!?" He shouted.

"Nobody you should be concerned with!" Kyo yelled grabbing my father by the collar.

"Kyo don't! He isn't worth it!" I yelled as Kyo finally looked me in the eyes again as I broke down on the floor.

It took a second before Yuki picked me up bridal style carrying me out of the house completely.

Knowing I couldn't move from pure exhaustion.

"My stuff..." I whimpered.

"I'll get it don't worry" Yuki said taking me outside and setting me down next to Tohru who had a almost shocked and confused look on her face.

"Tohru start walking we will catch up" Yuki said as Tohru took my hand and began leading me away.

I felt disgraceful.

"I'm sorry Tohru" I cried as she stopped for a moment wiping away my tears.

"You are safe now... god knows what would of happened if we weren't there, now let's go back to mine and make you a hot drink" she insisted covering me with her arm and walking me slowly away.

It wasn't long before Yuki appeared next to us with all of my stuff.

"You didn't have to-" I began to speak but Yuki cut me off.

"I did, it's ok" Yuki said walking ahead.

It wasn't long before Kyo then appeared behind us.

He sighed as I stopped.

"I'm really sorry Tohru. Yuki. Kyo. I didn't want to put you through this trouble!" I cried as I felt a hand on my hair softly rubbing it.

"Why didn't you say anything" Kyo huffed, all I could do was cry.

"I didn't want to bother anyone with it... I knew he would be in today, seems he was extra mad" I cried just remembering the lock he had on my throat.

"Come here" Kyo said turning his back towards me.

"What?" I asked confused trying to wipe my tears as much as I could.

"Your pretty beat up, let me give you a piggy back" Kyo insisted.

"Wait don't!" Tohru yelled stopping me.

"Tohru it's fine..." Yuki said patting her head smiling.

I rested my hands on his shoulder pulling myself onto his back with the little energy I had left in me.

His arms wrapped round my legs pulling me up further on his body.

Tohru stood in some what amazement and shock as I stared confused.

"Everything ok?" I asked wiping my face.

"Y...yeah" she stuttered before turning on her feet and walking next to Yuki who was chatting to her.

I rested my head into Kyo's neck from pure exhaustion as I couldn't help but smell his aftershave that was so unique.

I leaned myself more onto his back as I spoke softly.

"I'm really sorry Kyo, but thank you for what you did it was very brave" I muttered into his neck as his grip around my legs grew tighter.

"You shouldn't have to live like that, you should of told us!" He spat obviously angry at the situation.

"I'm sorry.." I spoke again.

He sighed again before continuing to walk.

I couldn't help but feel some what comforted by him and being in his arms hugging into his back.

Without thinking my eyelids began to get heavy and felt them shutting as we walked along.

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