Chapter 24

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The tent in the sand was finally put up after Kyo gave up and Yuki had to do it himself.

"How about we go dip our toes in the water" Tohru smiled as I nodded.

I think dipping my toes in was the closest I was going to get to actually getting in the ocean.

Tohru began taking off her top to reveal her swim suit underneath.

That's when I started taking off my top.

"Don't undress here!" Kyo shouted.

I gazed over finally looking at him again as he stood with his hands up covering his face.

"Kyo... I have my bikini on underneath.." I chuckled as he removed his hands from his face to see me in my orange bikini.

I've never seen someone's face go bright red that fast before.

I slowly started taking of my shorts and I couldn't help but feel his eyes burn down my body as if he was taking in every feature of me.

"It's rude to stare kitty" I smirked watching him turning back around folding his arms over his chest.

"I. Wasn't. Staring" he huffed.

"That looks amazing on you Y/N! Did you know orange is Kyo's favourite colour" Yuki smiled as Kyo nearly punched him in the face.

"Thank you Yuki, I'm glad I picked it" I smiled feeling my confidence grow just being in it.

It wasn't long before Yuki started taking off his shirt and removing his bottoms to reveal his blue bottoms.

Eventually Kyo did the same revealing his orange swimming trunks.

I glanced at his shorts then to my bikini, then back to his shorts and back to my bikini.

They were the same colour.

"Hey Kyo we matched" I smiled as he turned around nodding.

I could still see a small blush on his cheeks which he attempted to hide.

We all made our way down to the water as I stood as far back as possible just letting the cold water tickle my toes.

It felt amazing.

I've loved water since I was little, I always wanted to go to the beach in my spare time.

I couldn't help but smile at the feeling again. It felt ages since I was last at a beach this beautiful.

Tohru began to get a little further in as Yuki followed her.

I couldn't go any further.

"Everything ok?" Kyo said coming up next to me.

"Yes! It's beautiful isn't it" I smiled looking out into the distant water.

"What we're you trying to tell me in the room" he spoke.

I got the same feeling all over again.

"Don't.. don't worry about it" I smiled as I felt his hand grab my wrist stopping me from moving.

The sounds of the small waves crashing and swishing on our feet filled the silence.

"Tell me please... I'm worried about you" he said.

I took a deep breath attempting to calm myself down.

"I just.. don't think you should protect me..." I spoke as he let go of my wrist instantly.

"I'm ruining your freedom, your around me all the time. You do everything for me, I don't want you to be treated like my slave just because I'm injured. I want you to go out and do your own thing and have that freedom for yourself, you can't have freedom when your being stuck looking after me" I said turning to face him properly now.

"I've loved your company, I've loved every moment of spending time with you, but if there's something you need to do. Then I don't need to be protected, I will eventually move out and we can just become distant memories. I don't want to hold you back" I spoke feeling a lump grow in my throat.

The waves crashed again as he gazed down at me in almost despair.

"Y/N... you really think I wanted that? I stayed night and day at the hospital because I couldn't stand being away from you... I wanted to be around you all the time, I wanted to be the tough guy that saved the day but I was to late, but I've loved every moment we've spent together" he said.

"I cared for you because I care about you more then anyone, I want to be there when you wake up and before you go to sleep, I want you to know your safe because I'm next to you, I love running around for you because I feel wanted and needed after you got injured and I've felt us grow more closer together by spending everyday together. I don't need freedom because when I'm with you I feel it. I promised I would protect you and that's what I will continue to do, if it's the last thing I do..." his words struck my heart in awe.

I was speechless.

I had no idea what to say.

Actions speak louder then words.

Without saying I dropped my crunches and wrapped my arms round him pulling him into a tight hug, leaning on him for balance.

It took him a second before he wrapped his arms round me back.

Our bare bodies pressed to each other creating a warmth.

I rested my head slowly onto his neck as his lips were inches off my ear.

"There's something I want to tell you..." he whispered leaning my body that little bit closer.

That was until I got pushed to the ground full force.

I held out my hands attempting to take my fall more comfortably.

I landed on the ground with a thud before I heard Yuki and Tohru yell coming in from the water.

The cold water brushed over my hands as I was lucky my leg didn't go in.

I opened my eyes to see a girl around my age with short brown hair pointing her finger right down to my face.

She stood in between me and Kyo giving me a glare that could kill me.

Yuki and Tohru rushed over to me helping me to my feet before she spoke.

"Get your dirty hands off my boyfriend" she spat.

"Boyfriend?" I choked.

"Boyfriend!?" Kyo shouted.

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