Chapter 25

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I stood in front of this girl flabbergasted as she called Kyo her boyfriend.

Have I been so blind this time to not even notice he was with someone? He's never even mentioned her!

"Kagura stop that you nearly hurt Y/N!" Kyo yelled pushing her out the way.

"How dare you speak to your girlfriend like that!" She yelled pulling Kyo by the ear away from everyone.

I was shook.

What in the world just happened.

"Y/N are you hurt?" Tohru yelled examining me.

"Thankfully I'm fine... since when did Kyo have a girlfriend, he's never mentioned her" I said brushing my bikini down from the sand.

"I don't think that's something we can talk about, I think Kyo should do the explaining about that one" Tohru chucked softly as I gazed over to see her practically latched onto him.

"Wait... he hasn't transformed? Is she like me?" I asked.

"No she's part of the zodiacs, Boar to be exact" Yuki scoffed.

So a literal boar pushed me over....


I don't get it at all.

Kyo surely wouldn't kiss me on the cheek if he was with someone.

Unless he was toying with me...

I felt almost betrayed or messed around with.

I made my way over to the tent and took a seat inside it as Tohru made her way over plopping down in front of me.

"Kagura isn't normally mean... but she is protective over Kyo, are you sure your all right? Can I get you some water or food?" Tohru said scanning me over once again.

"I'm fine I just feel... played" I huffed as Tohru turned her head in confusion.

"I really thought me and Kyo had something going.. we hugged and he told me he enjoyed spending every moment together. He told me he loved protecting me and being around me. He kissed my cheek, and yet now I feel played and betrayed, he never even mentioned her..." I was stopped by Kagura happily standing outside the tent with a devilish smile across her face.

"Are you serious!?" She laughed.

"You actually thought you had a chance with MY Kyo, he's just a nice guy he never actually cared for you! I mean look at the state of you! Pathetic!" She yelled.

"Y/N don't listen to a word she's-" Kyo yelled before cutting himself off as Kagura turned to him with a death glare.

Was she that scary?

I knew I should of never let myself get my hopes up.

I got up out the tent as Tohru followed closely behind.

I stood in front of this girl just catching Kyo's gaze out the corner of my eye. His eyes were nearly pleading me to not believe her. His face completely shook and full of guilt.

She smiled down to me as I turned on my feet and walked off.

"Not going to speak now bitch!" She yelled making me stop in my tracks.

"What did you just call me?" I gritted turning around.

"You heard" she chuckled walking over to Kyo.

"I've heard a lot about you, I will never let you get close to him, because he is mine" she smiled grappling onto him as he tried so hard to remove her grip on his bare chest.

I let out a low chuckle before gazing at her with a full blown smile.

"How pathetic" I chuckled as Tohru gripped my hand signally for me to shut up.

But I couldn't control myself, I had to tell her how I felt.

"What did you say slut" she hissed.

"It's pathetic, any girlfriend would know that isn't how you treat a man" I smiled as she huffed.

"I know how to treat him, don't I kitty? I treat you well" she smiled with big eyes to Kyo attempting to kiss him as he moved his head away.

"A boyfriend isn't a pet. Kyo isn't yours because Kyo doesn't belong to anyone. He's a free man and can do whatever he wants, it's Kyo's choice if he wants to be with you or not. Because by the looks of it he seems a bit frightened by you" I smiled.

Kyo stood in shock as I spoke.

"Kyo deserves freedom and doesn't deserve to be confined into a cage like a pet. So stop treating him like one" I spat again before grabbing Tohru's hand and walking away.

Me and Tohru peacefully walked together before she broke the silence.

"She's never normally that mean... I have no idea what's gotten into her" Tohru said placing her arms across her chest.

"She just seems obsessed with him, but I'm not getting involved he can do what he wants. I just wish he had told me he was with someone" I said feeling my chest ache.

"How about we play a game when we get in?" Tohru smiled as I nodded.

I need to take my mind off what just happened.

It wasn't long before Yuki ran up to us.

"Y/N! Just ignore her, don't listen to any nasty things she says" Yuki panted walking casually next to me now.

"I wasn't listening in the first place Yuki don't worry, I'm use to dealing with people like her" I spoke.

We all walked in silence the rest of the way till we reached the vacation house.

"Let's get changed and play some games, Kagura will probably be out with him for a while" Tohru said helping me get up the stairs to my room.

She brought some clothes from her room and then helped me find a nice little lounge outfit.

She picked out some white fleeced shorts with the matching baggy top.

"I was thinking about making curry for tea? Is that ok?" She smiled helping me place my shorts on.

"Yeah..." I smiled weakly as I took off my bikini and placed a white bra on before placing the baggy top over it.

"I know it's going to be difficult with you two after everything he said, but I'm sure he has a reason for not telling you.. just speak with him when your ready" Tohru smiled placing her top on.

I smiled at her again and nodded slowly.

"Great.. now let's go get some food and play some games" Tohru smiled taking my hand yet again into hers and taking me downstairs.

This is going to be a long long long weekend...

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