Chapter 18

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1044 words.

I sat on my bed staring dumbfounded at this little yellow rabbit in front of the bed.

Hatori let out a huge sigh face palming himself in the face as if this was a normal occurrence for him.

"Momiji?..." I spoke quietly gazing down at this small rabbit.

I bent down slowly as everyone was waiting silently like a mouse.

Were they waiting for me to freak out?

I picked the rabbit up feeling some what anxious but there was a strange calmness about it.

"Hi!" The rabbit chirped in Momiji's voice.

Momiji had physically turned INTO the rabbit.

How was this possible!

"Your so cute" I smiled placing him on my lap giving him a little stroke like any other pet I'd just seen.

Everyone stared at me in shock and a little in wonder and I gazed around.

"What's the matter?" I spoke breaking the awkward silence.

"Your... your.. your not? Scared?" Yuki spoke trembling.

"Why would I be.. look how cute he is!" I chimed holding him up giving him a big squeezy cuddle.

"This went better then I planned..." Hatori muttered.

"What happened to you Momiji? How did you get like that anyways?" I spoke out of curiously looking down at him.

He gazed around at the rest as they all nodded to him giving him the approval to tell me the story.

"You see the Sohma family are part of the Zodiac curse" he spoke before Kyo cut him off.

"SOME of them" he spoke clearly angry.

"Some of the Sohma family, are part of the zodiac curse. Which means we transform into our zodiac animal when hugged by the opposite sex or the bodies are weakened" he spoke still sitting quietly on my lap.

I was so intrigued but yet still uneasy how this is even possible.

"Oh...?" I spoke as he continued.

"So the zodiacs all go to a banquet hosted by the God  all on New Year's Eve. But the Rat told the Cat that the banquet was the day after the actual day it was on. So all the animals went and the Cat got left behind, that's why the Cat isn't involved in the zodiac members" he spoke as I listened softly.

"Poor Cat..." I spoke.

"The zodiacs consist of:

Yuki - Rat
Kyo - Cat
Shigure - Dog
Hatori - Sea horse
Momiji - Rabbit
Haru - Cow
Isuzu - Horse
Kisa- Tiger
Hiro - Sheep
Ritsu - Monkey
Ayame - Snake
Kagura - Boar
Kureno - Rooster"

"That's a lot" I giggled slightly as Momiji smiled.


The yellow smoke appeared again as Momiji finally went back to his boy form in front of me.


Me and Tohru both covered our eyes as he placed his clothes back on.

"Wait.." I said as everyone turned to me.

"But if Yuki and Kyo are part of the zodiac.. and they change when they hug the opposite sex.. why didn't they change when I touched them?" I asked as they all seemed to freeze not sure of themselves.

This was so new and strange, its going to take ages to get use to this, I'm living with animals.

That doesn't quite explain all the staring they do though with me.

"That's the thing.. we haven't exactly worked it out yet, do you have any memory of your parents?" Hatori asked as I nodded.

"My mam died when I was little, and obviously my father did this..." I said gazing down at my leg.

"What do you remember as a baby?" He asked as I shook my head.

"Nothing, I have no memory of anything under the age of two" I said trying to think of anything I could remember.

"Is there something I should know?" I asked feeling like there's something they wanted to explain to me.

"We can talk about this another time it's fi-" I cut him off.

"No! I want to know what's going on" I said.

If this had to do with me I need to know.

"Well we think you may be the God's half sibling.. it's a possibly as her father actually give up his first child with someone else to live as a normal human girl. He took her to a foster home were she quickly got adopted into a home. And if you don't have any memory off when you were little it kinda adds up" he spoke.

I chuckled slightly.

"I don't think I'm adopted" I chuckled but then remembered the words my father spoke.

"You were chosen by us!"

Could it be true?

"Your father doesn't live at that place now right? We could go look for some documents?" Yuki added as I kinda felt frozen at all of this.

Not only was I living with animals but they believe I'm adopted and a sibling to some sort of god!

They are joking... right?

"I.. I don't understand" I spoke gazing over at Kyo who was resting against the wall.

I slowly stood up grabbing my crutches and slowly walking towards Kyo.

I stood in front of him getting his attention.

"Mmm?" He hummed looking down at me.

"Hug me..." I muttered.

His face grew a slight blush as I couldn't help but blush at the words that came out my mouth.

He didn't say anything he just wrapped his arms slowly around me pulling me into his chest.

I immediately got indulged by his smell and warmth.

I wrapped my arms round him back as Hotari stood back in some sort of amazement.

"Amazing..." Hatori whispered.

I pulled back before looking at Kyo in the eyes.

"No change.." I muttered as he nodded.

"Yuki... hug Tohru" i insisted as Tohru stood up and walked over to Yuki

They both wrapped their arms round each other and...


A small grey Rat appeared on the floor and Yuki's clothes were now on the floor.

"Magic..." I whispered trying to wrap it all together.

"I'll go to my fathers alone.. I'll try and find them papers but I really don't think I'm adopted" I said as Kyo instantly stopped me.

"NO! I'm going to!" He yelled almost starling me.

"Me too!" Yuki said from the floor.

I sighed realising there was no way out of this.

But surely what they are saying just can't be true.

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