Remain the Same

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader

Written: April 12th, 2021

Posted: April 12th, 2021

Warning: None.

Word Count: 2,262

Summary: You couldn't remember why you and Bucky harbored hate for one another. With a little push from Sam, the tension reaches an all-time high. Will things evolve or remain the same?

Opening the door of your apartment, you let out a surprised gasp as you gazed between the Two men standing in front of you

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Opening the door of your apartment, you let out a surprised gasp as you gazed between the Two men standing in front of you. Your mind began whirling with assumed ideas as to why they were there. Raising an eyebrow at them, you groaned already figuring what they needed.

"There's no way I'm working with him." You spat, allowing him and Bucky entrance into your apartment.

Standing in your living room, you crossed your arms along your chest as you glared at Bucky.

"He's in therapy now-" Sam started.

Scoffing, you rolled your eyes. "And that suddenly makes him a saint?" Your face contorted as anger began bubbling to the surface.

"Look, you know we wouldn't be here unless we desperately needed your help." Sam sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he squeezed his eyes shut.

"Oh," You huffed, nodding your head in understanding. "So I was your last resort. Cool, Cool, Cool."

Sam let out a groan as he opened his eyes again, sending you a pointed glare. "You know that's not what I meant."

"Right." You drew out your word not fully believing him. "So why are you and Cyborg here?"

Bucky let out a quiet growl at your dig at him.

Shaking your head you scoffed as you rolled your eyes at him.

"Would you Two stop," Sam spoke, holding his hands out taking a few steps so that he was standing in between you. He sent Bucky a glare before turning to face you allowing him to give you the same expression.

"This is bigger than...Then whatever you Two are always fighting about." He spoke, his voice turning stern. "Look, we're here because we need to find Zemo."

Your jaw fell slightly, as you furrowed your eyebrows together. Your mind racing a million miles a minute, as you attempted to justify their need to find him.

"I'm sorry...Am I missing something?" You questioned allowing your arms to drop from their defensive position. "You're looking for the guy that we fought...The guy that triggered Bucky and-"

"I know how this sounds," Sam spoke his voice softer than when he last spoke. "But there's a bigger threat now."

Dropping your gaze to the floor, you let out a defeated sigh. Nodding your head, you returned your gaze to Sam's face. "Alright...I'm in."

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