Sea of Monsters

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader

Written: May 6th, 2021

Posted: June 6th, 2021

Warning: Light bullying from Clarisse (If you've seen the movie or read the book then you know).

Word Count: 819

Author's Note: Marvel x PJO Crossover. Everyone is aged up.

"I don't know what you're talking about

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"I don't know what you're talking about." You scoffed, crossing your arms along your chest. "I...I have to go."

"Y/N..." Sam's voice trailed off. His features flashed with sorrow. "If...If you're in some type of trouble-"

Groaning, you rolled your eyes. "And what if I was?" You challenged raising an eyebrow in question. "You and the only other member of your boy band." You nodded at Bucky. "Are going to help me?"

"Hey!" Bucky chimed in.

Sam let out a frustrated huff. "Y/N, come on, we're only trying-"

"To help?" You finished for him. "Yeah, I got that." You shrugged, shoving your hands into your jean pockets. "I'm not some helpless little girl, you need to protect."

"That's not what, we're saying...At all." Bucky frowned, his eyebrows furrowing together in confusion.

Sighing, you let your shoulders drop in defeat. Dropping your gaze down towards your shoes, you let your mind ponder the pros and cons.

"There are ... There are things you don't understand." You muttered.

Sam chuckled. "Seriously? We fought, Thanos, got wiped away by a snap... There's nothing we haven't seen." He smiled placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.

"I....I highly doubt that." You sighed. "Fine, but we have to talk to the being in charge first."

Walking away from the men, you paused before turning towards them expectantly. "Come on."


Standing before the big house, you let out a sigh.

"I see you brought some friends." A familiar voice spoke from behind you. "Not to mention, it's against the rules."

Gasping, you whirled around on your heels turning to face him. "Chiron-"

Coming closer towards you, he examined both Sam and Bucky a tad closer. "So, these are some of your Avenger friends."

Opening and closing your mouth several times, you glanced at the Two men. Both sending you a concerned gaze. Nodding your head, you acknowledged his statement.

"Well." He spoke, standing up straighter. "There's not much I can do, since they're already here," Chiron spoke, sending you a subtle wink.

A sly grin made its way upon your lips. "Th..Thank you." You stuttered.

"Come on, there are a few people I want you to meet."

Walking through the camp, you gave them a fast-paced tour. Leading them to the arena, you stood between them, watching Percy compete in the course.

Gazing at the stands, your eyes locked with Annabeth's. Sending her a soft smile, you led them towards where she was sitting.

"How's he doing?" You questioned.

She chuckled. "Better than usual, but you know how his ego can get."

Leaning forward, her eyebrows crushed together, as she gazed at Sam and Bucky. "And they are?"

"Oh!" You exclaimed, bringing your attention back. "This is Sam and Bucky. They're Avengers."

"Huh." She nodded before returning to her normal position. "How'd you pull that one off?"

Giggling, you shrugged before jumping to your feet with Annabeth and Grower, attempting to cheer Percy on.

Once Clarisse had won, the arena cleared out, leaving the seven of you alone.

"So these are your other friends?" Percy questioned panting slightly.

"Uh-Huh." You hummed.

"Nice to meet you." Percy shook both of their hands. "I'm Y/N's-"

"Perry Johnson! There you are." Dionysus exclaimed racing up to the group. "I have a very important quest for you." He spoke handing Percy the broom before he glanced around expectantly.


"So..." Your voice trailed off. "This...This is your new brother?" You raised an eyebrow in question. "A....Cyclopes."

"I guess Posiden had more than one kid." Grover chimed in.

As Tyson was telling the story of how he was claimed by Poseidon, you glanced around the table before locking eyes with a pair of cerulean ones.

Quickly averting your gaze, you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach while your heat danced upon your cheeks.

Clarisse bounded over to your table, with a toothy grin plastered along her lips.

"Well, look who has a new brother," Clarisse spoke happily. "And I can see he has his daddy's eyes." She grinned evilly. "Well, eye."

The sound of giggles erupted from other tables filled the air. Frowning, you felt a ping of sadness for Tyson.

"You should really get him some sprayable mist." She chuckled.

Frowning, Tyson quickly reached into his bag, putting on his darkened sunglasses.

"Anyway, kinda interesting timing don't ya think? Maybe Poseidon decided he needed another son.." Her grin only seemed to grow. "To you know...Represent."

"Bull." Tyson spoke.

Clarisse's stance immediately changed to defensive. "Excuse me?"

"Smells like bull." Tyson repeated.

Seconds later, the tables jumped. Exchanging confused glances, it happened a few more times.

"We got barrier action!" Clarisse spoke, racing off in the direction of the bull.

Standing in your group, the camp shield jolted with each hit.

"That's so awesome." Clarisse grinned.

It wasn't much longer before the sound of glass shattering filled the air. The mechanical bull heading straight towards the gathered campers.


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