Shared Nights

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Genre: Fluff

Word Count: 816

Warning: None

Summary: Being paired with Bucky for the past few months on missions, has an underlying meaning.

Authors Note: I hope you like it☺️🥰🤗

 Authors Note: I hope you like it☺️🥰🤗

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"Y/N and Bucky." Steve was rattling off partners for the next mission.

Letting out a sigh, you shook your head slightly. Steve had been pairing you with Bucky for every mission for the past few months, because nobody else wanted to work with him or so you thought.

Deciding to began packing, you began leaving the briefing. Stopping on the way out, you patted Bucky on the shoulder. He was one of your close friends, however since joining the Avengers, you had developed feelings for him. It was on the rarity that you weren't together normally.

"Looks like it's you and me again, James." You stated with a soft smile.

He responded with a saddened smile.

Walking back to your room you missed the interaction between Bucky and Steve.

"Steve." Bucky started.

"Now's your chance Buck." Steve patted him on the back. "Everyone's rooting for you."

It was late when you arrived at the hotel. Opening the door, you froze causing Bucky to walk into you.

"Sorry." He mumbled, his hands landing on your hips steadying himself. "I'll take the couch."

Walking out of the bathroom, Bucky was paying attention to something on his phone. He got up from the couch, making his way to the bathroom without looking up from his phone.

Sighing you ran a hand along your face. The chilly air from the hotel, caused goosebumps to ran along your arms. A shiver raking through your body. Glancing at the couch, you saw one of Buckys shirts. It just so happened to be a long sleeve. You quickly grabbed it, slipping it on. His shirt rested just above your knees. The familiar scent of Bucky filled your nose, the comforting aroma coming from his shirt.

Climbing into bed, you tucked the blankets close around you. Bucky had made his way to the couch, before he glanced at his bag, noticing his shirt was missing. Looking over his shoulder, he didn't bother asking if you've seen it noticing you were sound asleep.

A sigh left his lips, as he laid on the couch. Tossing and turning he couldn't find a comfortable position. Letting out a frustrated groan, he stared at the ceiling.

"Bucky?" Your tired voice breaking the silence. "Come here."

The bed dipped slightly, signalling he was sliding into the bed. Rolling over on your side, you were facing away from Bucky. Your heart began beating out of your chest, at his close proximity. The air was filled with something you hadn't noticed before.

"Goodnight." He sighed, laying on his back staring at the ceiling.

"Night." You responded furthering your grip on your pillow. The moon illuminated the room, shining through the window resting somewhere by Bucky.

Rolling over, you  were laying on your side gazing at Bucky. His intoxicating blue eyes, caught y/e/c ones. Rolling onto his side, he lifted his hand bringing it to rest on your cheek. Closing your eyes, you let out a comforting sigh. Resting your hand on his waist, you gently tugged him forward signaling him to move towards you.

Laying on the hotel bed, you were chest to chest not allowing any space between you. Gently, you lifted your leg, resting it on his hip pulling him impossibly closer. His familiar scent coursed through your nose as the feeling of home overwhelmed you.

Gazing into his eyes, you leaned forward gently nudging his nose with yours. Your breath mingled with his. Bucky leaned the rest of the way, allowing his lips to barely touch yours before he pulled away, as worry was written across his expression.

Your hand that was resting on his waist, traveled to his long soft hair, before you gripped the back of his head gently yanking him forward. Placing your lips on his, the taste of him raced through your mouth. It was a sweet and wanting flavor.

Deepening the kiss, you gently bit his bottom lip before pulling away tugging his lip as you moved. A moan fell from his lips, as he took charge of the kiss. His tongue poking through your lips, desperately wanting to taste your mouth further.

The sound of heavy breathing, sounded through the hotel room. Bucky moaned, as you pulled back, your lips were barely touching, as you smiled into the kiss. Swallowing hard, you placed your hand on his chest pushing him back slightly. Placing your ear over his heart, you listened to the steady beating. Wrapping his arms around your waist, he pulled you further into him. Placing a gentle kiss on your forehead, he let out a content sigh.

Your eyelids grew heavier with each passing moment. Sleep had almost overwhelmed you before you heard Bucky whisper. A low rumble in his chest signaling he had mumbled something.

"I like you, Y/N."

Smiling you replied. "I like you too, James."

His breath hitched in his throat, before he gave you a light squeeze.

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