The Stand-In

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Word Count: 1,068

Warning: Mentions of alcohol, Bar.

Summary: The reader is seen as one of the guys. She is invited to go out with the guys but runs into a family friend and is in need of someone to keep everyone off of her back.

 She is invited to go out with the guys but runs into a family friend and is in need of someone to keep everyone off of her back

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Walking into the living room, Scott greeted you.

"Y/N!" Scott exclaimed, pulling you in for a tight hug. Pulling back slightly he questioned. "Are you coming to guys night?"

You giggled. "Isn't the premise of guys night, no girls?"

"Yeah, but you're one of us Y/N/N." He nudged your shoulder lightly.

You rolled your eyes. "I'm not sure the other guys would feel the same. Who's the guys?"

"Well, I'm going." He grinned. "Thor, Bucky, Steve, Clint, Bruce and Tony - literally all the guys."

"Scott..." You spoke with hesitation in your voice. "I...I don't know. You should probably check with them first."

"Come on Y/N/N!" He continued. "They see you as one of us...You have to come!"

"Fine!" You gave in, throwing your hands in the air.

"Yes!" He yelled happily. "Agreement by defeat!"

You chuckled rolling your eyes.

"See you later Y/N/N!" He yelled as you left the living room.


Glancing at the clock, you were an hour earlier than the time Scott had told you. Butterflies erupted in your stomach by the thought of crashing guys night - especially since Bucky would be there. Steve and Scott were the only ones to know about your feelings for him. Both of them were constantly trying to get you two together alone.

Gazing at your reflection you did a once over in the mirror. You decided to wear your favorite leggings that accentuated your assets while choosing a floral three quarter length sleeve blouse. Your hair was curled hanging loosely around your shoulders, as you chose a pair of black flats to complete your look. Grabbing your black clutch you made your way to your door. Wiping your hands on your pants, you exited your room.


The guys had chosen a bar that was within walking distance from the compound. As you approached the bar, you could hear the music that was being played inside, echo off of the nearby buildings. Stopping close to the bar, you adjusted your sleeves and began chewing your nail as the fear coursed through your veins.

Gazing around the bar, it was packed to the gills leaving barely enough room to walk. Making your way to the bar, you ordered a soda. As you waited for your drink, one of your parents' friends recognized you.

"Y/N?" The familiar feminine voice filled your ears.

Your heart began beating at a rapid pace. "Oh! Hi Mrs. Ackerman."

Joining you at the bar, she stood next to you. "Please, Y/N. You can call me Sara." She grinned. "Afterall, you're old enough now."

You giggled returning her smile.

Time passed filled with small talk, before the she asked the dreaded question.

"Do you have a boyfriend nowadays?"

You internally groaned these were exactly the types of questions that made you avoid going home.

Catching you off guard, you had choked on your drink. Coughing slightly you turned toward her.

"Actually." You began. "I do." You grinned.

"You do?" She pipped up, voice filled with curiosity. "Where is he? He surely wouldn't want to leave his girlfriend alone on a Friday night?"

"I'm actually meeting him and his friends here." Glancing at your, phone you realized it has now been half an hour later than you were supposed to meet them. "I was actually supposed to meet them a half-hour ago." You frowned.

"Oh!" She exclaimed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep you!"

You giggled. "It's alright. I lost track of time."

"Well, off you go." She quickly began shooing you off. "Oh. Please bring him to your family's vacation next weekend! Jeff and I would both love to meet him!"

Ice began running through your veins. You had forgotten about your family's annual family and friends' vacation. It was between two and three weeks long, at a lake house that they would rent for the time being. Asking someone to be in a fake relationship with you for a night was one thing, asking them to be in a fake relationship for a few weeks was another.

"Y/N!" Scott yelled over the music. "There you are! I was beginning to think you weren't coming!" Rushing towards you, he wound his arm through yours tugging you through the ocean of people.

"Guys!" He yelled excitedly. "Look who I found!"

You began to feel uncomfortable as their eyes fell on you. Scotts breath had the distinct scent of whiskey.

"Hey, Y/N!" Steve greeted you. "Glad you could join us!"

Offering him a soft smile, you slid into the seat in between Bruce and Tony.

"I...I hope I'm not imposing." You muttered.

"Of course not!" Tony yelled. "You're one of the guys!"

You giggled. "I don't know if I should be slightly offended or flattered that you guys see me as one of you."


As the night went on, the more the guys drank. Steve and Bucky didn't drink much since it doesn't have much of an effect on them. Tony and Bruce had wandered off somewhere in the bar, playing casino games in a dark corner, while Scott was singing Karaoke, leaving Buck and Steve alone with you.

"So Y/N."

"So, Steve." You teased, turning towards him.

"Who was that lady you were talking to before?"

You frowned slightly gazing between Steve and Bucky. "You saw that?"

Both men nodded.

"She's one of my parents' friends." You stated with a sorrow-filled voice. "She reminded me of our annual family vacation." You groaned.

"Why is that bad?" Bucky questioned, tilting his head to the side slightly.

"Because." You let out a frustrated sigh. "She asked if I had a boyfriend and I told her I do."

"You have a boyfriend?" Steve questioned. "Why didn't you tell us!"

"That's the problem!" You exclaimed. "I don't....I...I just didn't want to be set up with her son."

Silence fell over the group.

"Bucky, can I talk to you alone?" Steve asked.

He didn't give Bucky a chance to respond, before he was dragging him towards the bathroom.

"Buck this is your chance!" Steve exclaimed.

Bucky gazed at Steve confused. "What do you mean?"

"You and Y/N." Steve spoke. "This is your chance to be alone with her."


Racing back to the table, Steve occupied the seat across from you. Gazing at him, you shot him a confused expression.

"Bucky would love to be your stand in."

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