Won't Say I'm in Love

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader

Written: May 3rd, 2021

Posted: May 3rd, 2021

Warning: None.

Word Count: 854

Summary: Enemies to acquaintance to Friends to Lovers, Bed Sharing

"Can you two please attempt to not kill each other on this mission?" Steve questioned, raising his eyebrow as he crossed his arms along his chest

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"Can you two please attempt to not kill each other on this mission?" Steve questioned, raising his eyebrow as he crossed his arms along his chest.

Scoffing you rolled your eyes. "Tell him that." You snarled using your thumb to point in Bucky's direction.


"Well, I'm standing right here aren't I?" Bucky questioned cuffing Steve off. "He's telling us both...Right now."

Groaning, you rubbed your hands along your face. Frustration was already bubbling up inside you. "Yeah, but that's not what I meant-"

"What did you mean then?"

Glaring at Bucky, you clenched your teeth as you felt heat dance along your cheeks.

"Guys. Guys." Steve spoke, moving to position himself inbetween you. His arms raised in surrondor between you and Bucky. "Can you both focus? Please?"

Sighing, you let your shoulders drop in defeat. "Fine." You crossed your arms. "Only if he does."

"What's that suppose to mean?" Bucky questioned. His jaw tightenting as his nostrols flared.

"It means..." You spoke attempting to take a step towards him.

"ENOUGH!" Steve yelled, causing both you and Bucky to turn your gazes toward him. Shock written along both of your features.

"If you two can't get along, then neither of you will be going on missions for the next few months." Steve spoke letting out a defeated sigh. "Figure it out."

"Sorry." You both spoke in unison as guilt danced along your face.

"Thank you." He spoke letting his hands run along his face. "You both leave tomorrow."

Nodding your head, you turned on your heel heading to your room. Closing your door, you leaned against the door letting your head fall against it with a soft thud. Groaning, you couldn't stop the butterflies that formed in your stomach.

With your mind clouded with thoughts you began packing your bag. It wasn't much longer before you heard the sound of a soft knock on your door. Jumping at the sudden sound, regaining your composure you made your way to the door.

Opening it you were caught by surprise as Bucky stood before you.

"Are you ready? We should probably get going soon." He cleared his throat, reaching up and rubbing his neck.

Your jaw fell slack as his voice was a much softer tone, something you hadn't heard from him.

"Huh? Oh, uh, yeah." You muttered. "I'm ready." As he gazed at you intently, you shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably.

Bucky moved his hand between the both of you expectantly. Furrowing your eyebrows together in confusion, you placed your hand in his shaking it.

Soft chuckles fell past his lips reaching his eyes. "What are you doing?"

"Hm?" You asked lifting your gaze from your conjoining hands. "Oh, uh, what are you doing?"

"I was going to take your bag." He laughted softly.

"Oh!" You exclaimed, yanking your hand away from his. Heat reaching your cheeks as you cleared your throat. "Right."

Moving back to your bed, you squeezed your eyes shut as you mentally scolded yourself for your awkward encounter. Turning back around, you handed him your bag, before leading him towards the quinjet.


It was silent a majority of the trip. Neither of you wanted to be the first to break the silence. Steve had arranged for you to spend a few nights at one of the local hotels.

As Bucky talked to the lobby clerk, you sighed before plopping down on one of the couchs. Closing your eyes, you let your head lean against the back. Slumber was right around the corner.

The cusions dipped, signaling someone had joined you. Your head lulling slightly to the side, causing a groan to emit from the back of your throat.

"Hey." Bucky's quiet voice, came from beside you. His shoulder nudging yours gently.

"Hm?" You questioned, refusing to open your eyes.

"Lets get you to the room." His breath dancing along your lips. Goosebumps forming along your arms, crawling to the back of your neck as you realized his sudden close proximity.

Groaning, you nodded. Opening your eyes, you found yourself getting consumed by the ocean eyes that bore into you.

Taking in a breath, you quickly jumped up from the couch. "Yeah, lets go."

Nodding his head, Bucky got up from the couch. He began reaching for your bag before you swatted his hand away. Frowning he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"I got it." You mumbled, feeling butterflies erupting in your stomach.

"Okay." He frowned.

Leading you down the hall towards the room, you couldn't stop yourself before you slid your hand in his. Your mind betraying you, causing thoughts of rejection to flood your mind. Just as you were about to pull your hand away, Bucky's hand tightened around yours. Giving it a light squeeze, he expanded his fingers before slipping them between yours.

Opening the door, Bucky led you into the room. Your mind clouded with thoughts as the fluttering in your stomach didn't go away. Before you knew it, you walked straight into Bucky's firm back.

"Wha-" Before the question could leave your lips, you gazed around Bucky feeling your face drain.

There was only one bed.

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