White Rose

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Word Count: 1,171

Warning: Swearing

Summary: The reader works at a Technology Lab and has developed an A.I. System. When giving the Intern nobody likes the opportunity to present to the Avengers, will she stay at the Lab or the new offer?

 When giving the Intern nobody likes the opportunity to present to the Avengers, will she stay at the Lab or the new offer?

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Sighing, it was going to be a long week. You had dropped your coffee in the parking ramp on your way to the elevator.

"Goodmorning, Miss Y/N."

Smiling you greeted your employee back, "Goodmorning Thomas. How was your weekend?"

Thomas walked to the lab with you, before you parted ways going to your office. An hour went by before, you were paged.

"Miss Y/N?"

"Yes, James?"

"There is someone requesting your presence at the front desk."

"Thank you. I'll be right down."

Taking the elevator down, you were preoccupied with the iPad in your had in attempt in continuing your work.

"Y/N!" A voice squealed catching you off guard, hurdling their body into yours.

Chuckling you hugged back.

"Hi, Nat."

"Everyone, this is my friend Y/N. Y/N, this is everyone."

You offered a small wave to the group before you.

"Miss, Y/N?" A shy voice came from behind you.

"Yes, Thomas?"

"Would...Would it be possible to show them..." he hesitated, "What we've been working on?"

"Them being?" You questioned already knowing the answer.

He gestured to the group standing in front of you.

Nodding, you lead the group into the elevator.

"This is our A.I. Lab. It's where we create everything."

"Please have a seat." Thomas said to the group.

"Thank you all for taking the time to see us today." You said standing before the group fidgeting with your ID badge on your lab coat. Suddenly, the door flew open revealing your boss, your employees, and co-workers.

The group of superhero's turned and looked at you with the same confused expression you were wearing on your face. Bucky, was the only man within the group that you found yourself gravitating towards. He exchanged your same wide eye, shocked expression.

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