Cloak and Dagger

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Word Count: 1,051

Warning: None.

Summary: Based off of the Marvel TV Show Cloak and Dagger. Bucky gets jealous of Tyrone when the reader starts to realize her unexpected bond with him.

 Bucky gets jealous of Tyrone when the reader starts to realize her unexpected bond with him

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Bolting straight up in your bed, your chest began heaving at a rapid pace. So far everyone night, this week you were having the dream. When you were a little girl, you had lost your father in a car crash when you were a kid.

Lifting the blankets up, you got out of bed making your way to the kitchen. Grabbing a bottle of water you let out a heavy sigh.

"Can't sleep either huh?" Bucky questioned as he slid into the unoccupied chair in front of you.

You shook your head.

"Did you have the dream again?" He asked softly.

A defeated sigh left your lips.

"Come on." He said holding his flesh hand out for you to take. After you accepted his hand, he began to lead you in the direction of his room.

Crawling under his blankets, you looked at the ceiling waiting for him to crawl in.

Once, he was under the blankets you immediately rolled over allowing you to place your head on his chest. Listening to his heart beat your eye lids began getting heavier and heavier.

"Roxxon." He said softly, while he laced his fingers in your hair.

You hummed in response.

"It's the name of the oil rig that split that night of the accident."

For the second time that day, you were startled awake. It was the same dream. Letting out a sigh, you unwrapped yourself from Bucky as you attempted to silently get up.

Walking downstairs, you decided that some fresh air outside of the tower would be good. As you began to walk down the street, you weren't watching were you were going as your body collided with another's. Their hand connected with yours before you were both thrown to opposite ends of the side walk.

Groaning you pushed yourself up, attempting to get a better look at the mysterious person. Standing up, you looked at the other groaning person.

"Are you okay?" You questioned as you knelled down in front of the person.

The man nodded in response.

"What the heck was that?" You asked.

"I...I don't know..You felt it too right?" He asked mirroring your confused expression.

"Yeah I did."

Neither of you said anything else before you went on your separate ways. A month had gone by since you had tumbled into the stranger on the street. Since the meeting, you hadn't had the dream.

"Hey, Y/N." Natasha said joining you on the couch.

"Hey." You greeted.

"Are you okay? You've been...distant lately." She said voice laced with sorrow.

Turning towards her, you rested your elbow on the back of the couch, supporting your head.

"If I tell you something, you have to promise not to tell anyone, okay?"

She mirrored your actions, offering a wide smile she nodded.

"A month ago..." You hesitated, "I had a weird interaction with a stranger."

"What do you mean?" She asked giddily.

"It wasn't what you think." You rolled your eyes, "It's...It's like we had a connection."

Later that night, you were sitting in the living room alone since everyone else had gone to bed.

"Hey." Buckys groggy voice sounded.

"Hey." You greeted.

Without another word, Bucky laid down on the couch, as his head landed in your lap. Running your fingers through his hair, it began to sooth you. The sound of giggles in the room woke you.

"What're you guys doing?" You questioned.

"Are you two dating yet?" Wanda questioned jumping up and down.

Giving her a confused gaze you rubbed your eyes, "No."

The room fell silent.

Being pulled out of you day dream, you landed on the mat with a harsh thud.

"You okay kid?" Sam questioned from above you. "You seem out of it."

"I'm okay."

Bucky had joined you by the mat offering a helping hand. Accepting his hand, a bright light enveloped you showing you a place you've never seen before. Looking around, you saw yourself but a much older version sitting in the livingroom. The front door opened revealing a much older Bucky holding the hand of a little girl.

"Mommy!" The little girl exclaimed running into the arms of the older you.

"I missed you baby." Bucky said pulling your olderself in for a kiss.

The next thing you knew, you were back in the gym laying on the mat accepting Buckys hand. Gasping you released his hand, practically jumping up.

"I...I uh I have to go." You stated quickly rushing out of the gym.

Leaving the tower you rushed down the street stopping at a park that was a few minutes away. Losing track of time, you let out a sigh. Standing up to leave, you were met with the familiar face of the mysterious stranger from a month ago.

"What's your name?"



"Nice to meet you."

He nodded his head in agreement.

"Something weird is happening to me." He said.

You hummed in agreement.

"I see people's....Fears."

"If you see people's Fears....Does...Does that mean I see their hopes?" You asked in disbelief.

The memory of what happened at the gym dawned on you. Frowning you had a hard time believing that's what could be happening.

"I...I have to go."

Another month had passed since you had seen Tyrone. Tony was throwing a party and attendance was mandatory.

You hadn't been in the mood to socialize with any of your friends since the first meeting with Tyrone. Walking in the room was blasting with music along with faces you haven't seen before. Sighing you made your way to the window, looking out over the city.

"Y/N." A familiar voice sounded.

Looking in the direction of the voice, you were shocked to see Tyrone.

"What're you doing here?" You whispered in confusion.

"I could ask you the same thing."

Before either of you could respond there was a black smoke that began falling from Tyrone's hand, while yours began illuminating. Exchanging confused glances you were surrounded by your group of friends.

"This is Tyrone."

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