The Assistant

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Word Count: 740

Warning: None

Summary: The reader has been Tony Stark's Assistant, for years. Lately, Tony exposes her to a side of him that she isn't familiar with.

 Lately, Tony exposes her to a side of him that she isn't familiar with

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"Good morning Mr. Stark. Here is the news paper and your coffee." You greeted, keeping up with Tony's fast walking pace.

"Thank you." He accepted the items and kept walking.

Sighing you slowed your pace, falling behind Tony as he kept walking down the hall.

"Y/N?" One of your co-workers said behind you.


"I have work for you. Here."

He handed you a stack of his work to do.

"Oh!" He exclaimed turning around, "That stack needs to be done by noon. Thanks."

Each day you worked for Stark Industries, it was almost the same. Tony would walk in, you gave him the news paper and a cup of coffee, then your least favorite co-worker would throw his work on you. He never interacted with you very much, nor did you have any friends at work. Tonight was a rare night that you had paperwork to do. Looking at the clock, it read 9:30pm. Sighing, you logged off your computer and grabbed your belongings. Stopping in the hall you saw a light coming from one of the conference rooms, hearing a familiar voice.

"We're in trouble."

"Yeah I know." Tony said.

The other voices, were voices you didn't recognize.

Walking towards the voices you saw, a group of men you didn't know.

"Mr. Stark?" You questioned.

Tony whipped around in shock looking at you.

"I....I uh...I just finished my work....Do you need anything else?" You questioned shyly.

"No." He spat.

Nodding, you closed the door, descending down the hallway.

"That was a bit harsh."

"Maybe she can help."

The door opened, as the sound of shoes hitting the pavement at a rapid face.

"Hey ...."

"Y/N." You said continuing to walk down the hall.

"Y/N. We...We could actually use your help with something."


The next six months, was the start of something new. Tony started to acknowledge your presence, while having conversations with you.

"Good morning, miss Y/L/N. Mr. Stark has requested your immediate presence in the conference room." A girl said, as she hurriedly walked beside you, handing you a cup of coffee.

"Thank you."

"It's about time!" Tony said jokingly.

"Good morning Mr. Stark."

Huffing he responded, "Y/N. How many times do I have to tell you to call me Tony."

"Right, of course." You replied sitting besides him at the table.




"Hello?" You asked groggily, rubbing your eyes.

"Good you're up."


"Who else would it be?" He sassed.

Groaning you responded, "Dude. Do you even know what time it is?"

"Yes I do. I need you to come the Avengers tower.."

"Tony. It's literally two in the morning. Can't this wait until later?"



Walking into the Avengers tower, there were two women sitting in the sitting area, seemingly waiting for someone.

"Are you Y/N?"


There was a sudden squeal with someone flinging themselves at you. Giggling you, hugged the person back with the same enthusiasm.

"Wanda! Let go of the poor girl!" The second girl exclaimed.

Releasing you, the other girl gave you a warm hug.

"I'm Natasha. This is Wanda." Natasha introduced themselves.

"Nice to meet you both." You said beaming with a smile.

"Tony talks about you a lot. I know he's stand offish and cold, but he cares about you." Natasha hesitated, "He...He sees you as his daughter."

"Come! Let's introduce you to the rest of the team!"


Walking arm in arm with Natasha and Wanda, they led you to the conference room.

"Guys. This is Y/N." Natasha started, "Tony's Y/N."

"Nice to meet you." You offered a small wave.

There was a sudden gasp from Wanda, "Let's have a sleep over!" She clapped her hands together excitedly.

"Woah, wait a second here." Tony said, "She's not here-."

Both girls ran out of the room not bothering to hear anything else he had to say.

Tony pinched the bridge of his nose as he let out a frustrated sigh.


"Y/N! We have someone we want you to meet!" Wanda said guiding you over to a long haired brunette.

"Bucky." The man said extending his hand for you to shake.


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