What to Expect While You're Expecting Part Two

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader

Written: May 25th, 2021

Posted: May25th, 2021

Warning: Mention of Blood, Fluff, Angst, Mention of Miscarriage.

Word Count: 1,488

Summary: The reader and Bucky have a nice slice of heaven for a moment when things take a turn for the worst.

Author's Note: Loosely based on What to Expect When you're Expecting. If you want a Part Three let me know! As of right now, I'm not planning on a Part Three but I would be willing to do it for those who want more attention on the subject.

 If you want a Part Three let me know! As of right now, I'm not planning on a Part Three but I would be willing to do it for those who want more attention on the subject

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"What are you doing here?" Bucky questioned, crossing his arms along his chest as he leaned against his door frame. His eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.

"I'm all in." You panted.

His eyes widened as his jaw fell slack. "Do...Do you want to come in?"

Nodding your head, you ventured into his apartment. Making yourself comfortable, you sit on his couch.

"Are...Are you sure?" He questioned in disbelief. He hovered close to you but far enough that there was a safe distance.

"I'm all in Bucky." You spoke softly. "You, me, I'm in."

Kneeling in front of you, he gently took your hands in his. Placing a kiss to the back of each hand, he gazed up at you. Moments passed as Bucky stared at you. The more time went by, the more you began to feel as if you had made a mistake.

"Okay." Bucky whispered quietly. Any sound you wouldn't have heard him.

"Okay, I'm all in." He spoke more confidently.

Tears began forming in your eyes before they cascaded down your cheeks. Furrowing your eyebrows together, a toothy grin made its way to your lips. "Really?"

Grinning up at you, he reached his hands up to your cheeks. His thumbs catching the tears of happiness as they fell. "Yes. Are you sure-"

Not allowing him to finish his sentence, you latched a hand into his hair, while the other gripped this jaw. Placing your lips on his, your stomach erupted in fireworks.

Pulling away, you rested your forehead against his, as your breath mingled together.

"Okay then." He chuckled.

"Woah." Your roommates spoke, their jaws dropping as you lead Bucky to your room. Hands intertwined.

Rolling your eyes, you giggled. Closing the door to your room, you shifted nervously from foot to foot.

"Sorry...It's not much..." Your voice trailed off, as you rubbed the back of your neck.

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