Bikers Daughter

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Word Count: 2,475

Warning: Swearing, Violence, Gets Steamy lol, Fighting, a little bit of Angst, kidnapping.

Summary: When the reader is a Lab Tech at the Avengers tower, she becomes close with the Avengers team. One day she gets kidnapped. Will the Avengers save her in time or will they be too late?

 Will the Avengers save her in time or will they be too late?

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"Agent." An urgent voice tried again.

Pulling yourself from your daze you responded, "Yes?"

"You're presence is requested in the Lab."

You nodded your head in acknowledgment. Pulling yourself together, you shrugged on your lab coat before making your way to the elevator.

"Goodmorning, Y/N." A husky voice came from beside you.

"Goodmorning, Bucky." You smiled in return.

The elevator ride was pleasant, it was filled with laughter, and warmth.

"I can't believe you've never seen the Harry Potter Series!" You shrieked in surprise.

A low chuckle sounded from the man next to you, "I guess I' haven't gotten around to it."

"Stick with me kid and you'll be a Potter head too." You chuckled.

He groaned, "What are you doing to me?"

You giggled, "I'm turning you into a nerd like me!" You swatted his arm playfully.

The elevator dinged, signalling the arrival onto your designated floor. Exiting the elevator you both continued the conversation.

"You and I are going to watch the Harry Potter movies later. Bring my favorite sweatshirt."

He laughed, "Sounds like a plan."

Stopping your actions you both turned and faced each other, neither one of you bothered by the close proximity between you.

"Y/N! I'm glad you're here! We have a problem with the A.I. System and nobody knows how to fix  it!" One of the intern Technicians blustered coming up to you and Bucky.

Before you could respond, more of the intern techs, quickly ran up surrounding both you and Bucky, talking about all the things that were going wrong that needed you to fix them.

Sighing you began to feel overwhelmed.

"Mind if I join you?" Buckys husky voice pulled you out of your mind.

Looking up at him you widened your eyes.

"What?" Barely fell from your lips in a whisper.

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