The Waitress

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Single Mom!Reader

Word Count: 3,037

Warning: Violence, Fighting, Swearing

Possibly making this a mini series!

Summary: The reader works at a small mom and pop diner as a Waitress, one day someone walks in trying to threaten the diner. Does the reader step in or step back?

 Does the reader step in or step back?

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"Tony." Pepper warned. "Take him with you."

"No!" Tony yelled back.

Pepper sighed, "Tony. You need to forgive him. That wasn't really him and you know it."

"Oh. So now you're best friends with Bucky huh?"

Pepper frowned slightly, "Fine. Atleast take Steve and Thor with you guys then."

Tony stormed out of the room without uttering another word.


Bounding up the sets to the diner, you opened the door. The sweet aroma of baked goods washed over you. Quickly making your way behind the counter, to the break area, you shrugged off your jacket and took your purse off.

Clocking in, you quickly smoothed down your uniform. It was a yellow and white short sleeve button down dress, with a white apron around your waist. You were able to talk your boss into letting you wear sneakers, as long as they were white.

Grabbing your server book, you made your way to the floor.

"Y/N!" Deb yelled excitedly.

Chuckling you greeted her, "Hey, Deb."

"What time should we be expecting miss Kennedy?"

Looking at your watch you replied, "She should be coming here in about an hour." You smiled.

Grabbing the busing bin, you started to clear tables. The diner was full of regulars who wanted to see you and your daughter. The regulars were around so often, that you both had considered them to be your family. They tried to help you whenever they could, in many different ways.

Suddenly, the door sounded signalling someone was entering. You didn't bother to look up from your actions, as you figured it would be another regular.


Tony, was blabbing on and on about some new A.I. system that he was currently in the works with. Steve nodded along following what he was saying as he drove. Bucky couldn't bring himself to care, knowing how much Tony didn't like him.

"Where are we going?" Steve questioned.

"Pepper said we needed to go to some mom and pop diner, called the Star." Tony replied shrugging.

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