White Wolf

3.9K 36 4

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Word Count: 1,622

Warning: Some violence

Summary: The reader goes into a spiral when she looses the only family she has left.

Requested: Yes! @checkintoreality

Requests are open!

"Sup older Parker?" Sam greeted as you walked into the Avengers tower

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"Sup older Parker?" Sam greeted as you walked into the Avengers tower.

"Hey, Sam." You smiled. "Is my brother here?"

"When isn't he?" He rolled his eyes jokingly.

"You got me there." You giggled. "Do you know where he is?"

"Where do you think?" Sam chuckled. "Stark Junior is with Stark Senior,  the Lab."

Nodding your head you made your way down the hall, quickly yelling, "Thanks Sam."

Before you made it far down the hall, you ran straight into a built chest. The strangers hands shot out gripping you by your bicep steadying you. Looking up, a pair of pale blue eyes met yours.

"Bucky!" You exclaimed excitedly, throwing your arms around his shoulders tugging him in for a hug.

His body tensed underneath you immediately.

Pulling away, you took a step back mumbling an awkward, "Sorry."

"Do you know what floor the Lab is on? I'm looking for my brother." You spoke, gazing at your shoes.

He chuckled in response. "I do." He scratched the back of his neck in a nervous manor. "I...I could show you if you'd like."

You smiled at him softly, before nodding your head in agreement. You and Bucky had spent the afternoon roaming around the Avengers tower, talking and making jokes. The halls were filled with laughter.

"Y/N!" Clint yelled greeting you as you walked passed the kitchen. Tugging you in for a hug, it was almost bone crushing. "How's my favorite Parker doing?"

Giggling you teased Clint. "Don't let my brother hear that."

"Hear what?" Peter questioned joining the small group that had formed in the hallway.

"Nothing to worry yourself with little Parker." Clint chuckled. "How's your practices been?"

"Good! I'm coming for your title Mr. Barton." You joked.

"We'll see about that Parker."

"What are you doing here?" Peter questioned.

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