Lonely. SMUT

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Word Count: 635

Warning: Smut!⚠️

There was a soft knock on your bedroom door

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There was a soft knock on your bedroom door.

Opening it, you were pleasantly surprised to see Bucky. He had been away for a week on a mission with Steve.

"Bucky!" You squealed throwing your arms around his shoulders pulling him in for a tight hug. "I missed you."

Chuckling he responded. "I missed you too."

Quickly, you yanked him into your room. Placing your hands flat on his chest, you pushed him back until he was sitting on the edge of your bed.

Lacing a hand in his long, locks you tugged him forward placing a hungry kiss upon on lips. Quickly, you snuck your tongue through his semi parted lips.

His tongue meeting yours, in a dance escapade. Kneeling on your bed, you place a knee on either side of him, as you sat in his lap. He placed a hand on your thigh, while the other immediately began to knead your ass.

A breathy moan from your lips, as his lips latched on to the top of your breast. Mentally you were grateful, in your choice of clothing today. Throwing your head back in pleasure, you started swaying your hips, in his lap. Bucky let out a deep moan.

In one swift motion, he had discarded your shirt and placed you on your mattress. Quickly, he rid himself of his shirt along with your bra, leaving you perky and exposed. The fire in your stomach began building at a rapid pace, the more he got you worked up.

Placing kisses through the valley of your cleavage, he trailed kisses to your nipple, before taking it fully in his mouth. One hand, quickly found itself in his hair while the other began grasping at the bed sheets while you attempted to bite back your moans.

His warm tongue danced around your erect nipple, making you arch your back in desperation. His other hand cupped your breast while he continued his motions.

Taking your nipple between his fingers, he gave it a slight pinch earning a loud moan to fall from your lips. You could feel Bucky smirk against your breast.

The air was filled with the sound of your pants and Bucky's groans. Squeezing your breast roughly, you arched into his hand. Quickly, you raised your hand to your mouth biting the back of it in attempt to quiet your moans.

Bucky halted his motions, in a disapproving manner. You could help the whimpers that fell from your lips, as your body practically trembled in anticipation for him to continue.

Without verbalizing what he wanted, you gazed at his face before letting out a whine still against your hand before removing it.

His teeth grazed across your nipple, as his other hand began trailing down your body at an agonizingly slow pace.

"For god sakes, James." You whined. "Just touch me already."

"Yes ma'am." He chuckled darkly, lips latched back onto your nipple as he began sucking harshly. Another moan escaped your lips.

The feeling of a finger sliding down, where you desperately wanted was the only thing you could focus on. His finger slowly slid through your folds.

Sliding a finger into your core, a strangled cry fell from your lips. Pumping his fingers in and out at a rapid pace a euphoria feeling overwhelmed you as a string of moans fell from your lips.

Heavy pants filled the air as you and Bucky laid with your backs against the soft bed. Both of your chests rising and falling at a rapid pace. Soft gasps fell from your lips as you attempted to regain your breath.

"I guess you really missed me, huh Ser?" You teased.

Chuckling he rolled himself back on top of you. Latching his lips on yours.

It was the longest night, you and Bucky had in a while.

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