Tony's Niece

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Word Count: 459

Warning: None

Summary: The reader is Tony's niece, being Tony's only blood relative left they have a close relationship.

Prompt Used: #7 "I'm not getting up, your lap is comfortable."

"Hey, little Stark!" Steve greeted, as you walked into the kitchen

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"Hey, little Stark!" Steve greeted, as you walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Cap." You smiled taking the seat next to Steve.

"Y/N!" Wanda greeted. "Where have you been?"

You scoffed while rolling your eyes, before you nodded towards Tony. "He's been keeping me on lock down."

The team sat in the kitchen eating dinner, as you joined in with their conversations.

"What are you doing here anyways?" Tony questioned.

Silence fell over the kitchen.

"I called her." Bruce spoke up.

"Why would you do that?" Tony hissed.

Bruce glared at Tony. "We need her help."

"No we don't." Tony snapped.

"Tony." Bruce spoke voice filled with firmness. "We need all the genius brain power we can get."

"So." Tony continued. "Go to a local college, you don't call in my family."

"Tony!" You interrupted. "Stop. It's fine, I don't mind."

"You might not mind, but I do."

You rolled your eyes in response. "What do you need help with Bruce?"


Leading you to the lab, Bruce began briefing you on what he needed your help on. Hours had gone by and you had barely made a dent in the work he needed done.

"Listen kid." Tony spoke breaking the silence. "I want you to stay here while we work on this. It's non negotiable."


Bucky quickly became someone that you trusted, someone you considered a close friend. He attempted to keep you at an arms length before you easily broke down his walls.

"What did you think about the movie?" You asked, facing Bucky on the opposite side of the bed, while crossing your legs.

He hesitated. "I uh..."

"Bucky!" You giggled. "You've seen crazier things in real life, you don't know whether you like Harry Potter or not?"

He chuckled in response.

Pressing play on the next movie, you placed your head on his thigh making yourself comfortable.

Bucky's hand immediately knotted in your hair, as he began scratching your scalp. It wasn't long before your eye lids grew heavy, as his comforting presence helped relax you.

"Y/N?" Wanda questioned opening your bedroom door, only to freeze gazing at the scene before her. A warm smile made it's way to her lips, before she nodded at Bucky and closed the door.

Gazing down at his lap, a smile made its way to his lips. Bucky attempted to maneuver around, so that he could leave and let you sleep.

A groan escaped your lips, as your hand wrapped tighter around his leg in attempt at holding him in place.  "I'm not getting up, your lap is comfortable."

He chuckled before laying back under the blankets pulling you to his chest. Continuing his actions his hand found your hair, as he placed a gentle kiss to your forehead.

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