Space Ace

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Asexual!Reader

Written: May 26th, 2021

Posted: May 27th, 2021

Warning: None.

Word Count: 975

Summary: The reader convinces their friends to go and celebrate New Yorks Pride fest.

Walking through the compound you were waving a Rainbow flag, you had gotten from someone handing them out along New York streets

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Walking through the compound you were waving a Rainbow flag, you had gotten from someone handing them out along New York streets.

It was the beginning of Pride and everyone was embracing the celebration. The scorching June heat taking the energy out of everyone, although the festival goers didn't seem to be bothered.

"Hey, Y/N....Woah." Tony greeted as you walked pass him. "What happened to you?"

Giggling you rolled your eyes. You knew exactly what he was referring to but you thought it'd be fun to force it out of him.

"What do you mean?" You tiled your head slightly.

"Don't take this the wrong way but..." His voice trailed off as he contemplated bringing it up. "You look like a unicorn threw up on you..."

Chuckling you shrugged. "It's pride!"

"Yeah, I got that."

"Y/N!" Wanda's voice called from further down the hall. "Happy Pride!" She jolted the further distance between you.

"Oh no." Tony groaned. "Not you too."

Glancing at Wanda, she was wearing an outfit much similar to yours. Although, the only difference was that her's stated she was a proud ally to the Asexual community while yours was a tank top with the Ace flag on it.

"Happy Pride!" You exclaimed happily, as you handed her one of your three Asexual flags.

"You guys started without me?"Natasha's voice called from behind you.

Turning on your heel, you were greeted by your other best friend wearing the same outfit as Wanda. Handing her your second to last flag, you bounced excitedly on your heels.

"Where did you get that flag on your face?" Wanda questioned pouting slightly.

A soft laughter passed through your lips. "I got it from someone on the streets." You shrugged.

"Are you guys ready?" Natasha questioned.

Nodding your head, you began following her through the halls. Passing by several workers each giving your small group a double take.

"Y/N?" Bucky's voice called.

Turning on your heel, you grinned. "Hey."

"Where are you going?"

"We're going to go celebrate Pride!" You exclaimed waving your rainbow flag for emphasis.

Nodding his head, he gazed at your attire.

"Y/N! You coming?" Wanda called from the other end of the hall.

"Be right there!" You called over your shoulder.

Bucky glanced at his feet, while ringing his hands. "Would...Would you mind if I came with?"

Furrowing your eyebrows together in confusion, your jaw fell slack slightly. "You...You want to come to Pride?"

"Yeah." Bucky shrugged nonchalantly.

A quiet 'hmp' left your lips. "Alright." You nodded shrugging.

Linking your arm through his flesh one, you began walking to where Wanda and Natasha waited impatiently for you.

Reaching the Two girls, Natasha raised a questioning eyebrow in your direction. You shrugged in response.

Walking through the streets of New York, you were greeted with care free people. Many people were dancing around the closed streets, while others carried drinks in their hands singing along to whatever songs were playing.

Giggling you glanced up at the towering buildings. People had been sitting on their window ceils or in their fire escapes joining along the party.

Warmth and happiness radiated through you. A toothy grin made it's way upon our lips. Confetti was thrown from the tops of buildings.

Confetti was entangled in your hair while coating your shoulders. Turning to face Bucky, he was gazing at you as you were enveloped in the moment.

"What?" You questioned with a toothy grin.

"Nothing." He shared your grin.

Gazing at each other, you weren't sure who moved in first. Before you knew it, Bucky's lips were latched on yours. Breaking the kiss, you grinned as you rested your forehead against his breath mingling.

"Bucky?" You questioned, your stomach erupting in fireworks.

Pulling away, his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No! No, not at all." You spoke quickly. "It's just...I have to tell you something."

Nodding his head, he was quiet.

"Let's go down one of the quieter streets."

Grasping his hand, you intertwined your fingers leading him down a different street.

Taking in a deep breath you stopped at one of food trucks that littered the streets. Sitting on one of the plastic chairs, you felt heat danced along your cheeks.

"Bucky, I'm....I'm Asexual." You rushed out.

Furrowing his eyebrows together in confusion he was silent for a moment. "What...What does that mean?"

"It means different things for different people." You shrugged. "It's the lack of sexual attraction to others or even an absent interest in sexual activity."

"Oh." Bucky spoke, his voice quiet as he attempted to wrap his mind around your confession.

"I fall under the lack of." You shrugged taking a sip of your drink. "I have an extremely low sexual attraction to anyone."

Bucky lifted his gaze to your eyes peering into your soul. "Okay."

Standing up from his seat, you furrowed your eyebrows together. Your heart fell into your stomach as you thought about what would happen now.

"I understand if you don't-"

Cutting you off, Bucky gently grasped your jaw moving your face allowing him to place his lips on yours. Pulling away, his forehead was against yours.

"I'm in." His raspy voice rang through your ears.

Giggling you wrapped your arms around his shoulders gently tugging him closer to you.

"Can I still kiss you?" He questioned as his breath mingled with yours.

"Please do." You muttered pulling him back in for a kiss.

"I knew it!" A voice shrieked causing you and Bucky to pull away.

"You owe me twenty dollars!" Wanda cheered as an annoyed looking Natasha handed her the money.

Giggling you buried your face in the crook of his neck.

"I should get one of those flags." He spoke nodding to the Asexual flag you were holding.

Grinning at him, you kissed the tip of his nose. "Here, have mine."

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