Little Red

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Word Count: 677

Warning: Swearing, Fighting, Violence, Guns

Summary: When the reader becomes a deadly assassin, she must cope with the aftermath.

*Please note I used google translate for Russian!*

"Come on!" Clint yelled, "We have to get out of here now!"

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"Come on!" Clint yelled, "We have to get out of here now!"

Grabbing your arm he pulled you in attempting to get you to follow him down the corridor. Following him on your own, he released your arm. The sound of gun shot sounded behind you as you both ran. Your breathing started getting shallow as you were gasping for air.

Excruciating pain ran through your body. Looking down, you saw blood beginning to run down your thigh.

"Clint!" You screamed as you hit the pavement.

"Y/N!" He screamed turning around with a surprised expression.

"Go! There's no time!"

He nodded giving you an apologetic look.

The Hydra soldiers that were chasing you appropriated you in a matter of seconds.

"Well, well, well." One of the soldiers taunted. "If it isn't the infamous little red. You're ours now."

It wasn't long before the darkness took over you, before hearing "Poluchit' yeye!" (Get her!)


Groaning in pain, you rolled your head to the side. Trying to move your arms, they were bound behind your back to the chair you were sitting in.

"Prosypaysya." The same officer from before said. "Prosypaysya!"

He yelled as he slapped you across the face. You groaned in pain.

"Teper' ty ubiytsa gidry." (You're an assassin for Hydra now.)

Mustering up all your strength, you looked at the man in front of you, "Net." (No.) Your voice was laced with venom.

"Togda perenesite posledstviya." (Then suffer the consequences.) The man said with amusement.

"Poyekhali." (Let's go.) He said to the other soldiers as they left the room.

You let out a sigh of relief, that was short lived.

Your piercing screams could be heard throughout the corridors as they began their torture.


Bolting upright, you were drenched in sweat as your body shivered. You were a new addition to the Avengers. Steve had found you in the Hydra headquarters in a recent mission. Clint was filled with guilt since the day he let you talk him into leaving you at Hyrda. He was happy to see you once you arrived at the tower after receiving medical attention, but was sadden by the shell of your old self you had become.

It had been two weeks since you were rescued. Natasha, Clint and Steve were the only people that didn't seem to be afraid of you. Natasha was someone you had gotten close to since she was also an assassin. Eventually, you knew that you would be able to mesh with the others once everyone was more comfortable with your presence.

Getting up, you changed into workout clothes, before heading down to the gym. The clock read 1:00am. Sighing, it was another sleepless night. Putting your headphones in, you began hitting the boxing bag. Hours felt like minutes. Your knuckles began feeling numb, as you gasped for breath. Your chest heaving up and down rapidly.

"It gets better." A Husky voice said from the doorway.

His sudden voice making you jump. Whirling around you saw two mysterious men standing by the door.

"I'm Bucky. This is Sam." He said holding his hand out for you to shake.

"Y/N." Accepting his hand, you looked at him confused, "What do you mean?"

"I was a prisoner of war. I was captured by Hydra." He hesitated, "Hold on to the hope that it gets better. The nightmares, the stress. It'll get better."

"I'm Sam." The man beside he spoke up. "On that dark note, I have a nickname for you."

"Oh?" You questioned Sam.

"Little Red." Sam said enthusiastically.

"It suits you." Bucky chimed in.

You hummed in response. "I like it."

"Avengers. Red Alert. This is not a drill." FRIDAY said over the speakers.

"Come on. Let's go Little red." Sam said.

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