
1.9K 49 1

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Word Count: 1,457

Warning: Mentions of Drinking, Swearing.

Summary: Steve and Sam need someone they can trust to help hide Bucky from danger.

Walking closer to the table your friends currently occupied, their laughter could be sound over the music

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Walking closer to the table your friends currently occupied, their laughter could be sound over the music. Your group of girlfriends decided it was time to get together for a long over due girls night. Your friends were all happily in relationships, leaving you the only single one in the bunch. They often, tried to set you up with guys they that would be good for you, all of them falling through.

"Y/N!" Your friends screamed. "It's been so long!"

Giggling you nodded, while a grin danced along your cheeks.

"What happened with Jeff?" One of your friends questioned.

Rolling your eyes you shook your head.

"I'm gonna get a drink." You attempted to communicate to the group.

Getting your drink you sat at the table, listening to their stories and things you've missed while being in S.H.I.E.L.D.

After a couple hours, your friends had disbanded. Some of them were dancing on the dance floor, while a couple staid with you at the table continuing the conversations. Getting up, you had gotten another refill of your drink.

"Y/N." A deep voice stated beside you.

Turning to look at the voice, you smiled. "Hey, Sam." You greeted turning and pulling him in for an over friendly hug.

"Oh." Sam mumbled taken by surprise of your hug.

"What're you doing here?" You exclaimed excitedly.

"Are you drunk?" He questioned.

"Not sure." You shrugged. "It's been awhile since I've drank."

"What'd she say?" Steve questioned as he and another man joined Sam.

"I haven't asked her yet." Sam muttered. "She's drunk." He stated motioning to you.

"Steve!" You shrieked practically jumping up, in an effort to hug him.

He wasn't nearly taken by surprised as Sam was. Quickly returning your hug, he chuckled. Pulling away from Steve, you turned towards the mysterious man beside him.

"I'm Y/N." You greeted.

"Bucky." He replied with raised eyebrows.

Throwing your arms around his shoulders, you pulled him in for a hug. Feeling his body tense, you quickly pulled away from him with a confused look.

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