
4.7K 79 9

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Warning: None

Word Count: 926

Summary: When the reader realizes her feelings for Bucky, will she risk their friendship or stay in the heat of the moment?

Summary: When the reader realizes her feelings for Bucky, will she risk their friendship or stay in the heat of the moment?

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It was 2:00am. The sound of your playlist was blaring in the gym speakers, attempting to push the past week from your mind.

"Hey." A voice said from the door.

Turning to look towards the voice, you were faced with Steve.

He was leaning against the door frame, "Don't beat yourself up. It's not your fault."

Sighing, you went back to punching the boxing bag, ignoring the man in front of you.

"Y/N." He said gripping the bag preventing you from avoiding the subject further.

"What do you want me to do, Steve?" You snapped whirling around with your arms up. "How do you want me to act? There was innocents that died because of me."

The last mission you had gone on, was a dossey. The enemy had set up a trap and they were just waiting for you to walk through the doors. They had taken innocents as hostages, when your team didn't comply they took their lives.

Looking down at the floor, you frowned.

"Y/N. Everyone makes mistakes."

You scoffed in return. "Like you would know all about that, Cap." You said as you crossed your arms over your chest.

"I'll do you a favor and pretend you didn't say that." Steve said sighing frustrated as he rubbed his face.

"Whatever you say, Captain." You replied as your voice was venomous.

Before he could respond, you turned on your heel and exited the gym. The rest of the day you made sure to avoid everyone on the team.

"Hey, Y/N." Bucky greeted as he walked into the lounge room.

"Hey, Bucky." You replied sweetly.

He rounded the couch you were sitting on hesitating, "Mind if I join you?"

Moving your extended legs you gestured for him to sit. Bucky had become one of your best friends since Steve introduced you both. He often confined in you about his nightmares and things he wouldn't bother telling the rest of the team. As he grew more comfortable with you, the more time he spent with you. Whenever he had a nightmare, he would curl up on your couch in your room, spending the night.

Sitting down beside you, you were already starting to have a hard time focusing. Once he was comfortable, he reached over and grabbed your legs, placing them over his lap.

"Is this okay?" He questioned shyly, placing a strand of his hair behind his ear, resting his hand on your knee.

You hummed in response not trusting your voice. Reading the same sentence over and over, you looked over the book admiring Bucky. He looked peaceful watching his favorite show. His hair tempted you, wanting you to run your fingers through his hair. Your gaze fell upon his lips. They looked soft and velvety, you couldn't help but wonder what they would feel like against yours.

"I can feel you staring." He said chuckling lightly, turning to look at you.

"I don't know what you're talking about." You replied nonchalantly, pretending to be interested in your book.The feeling of heat arose dancing along your cheeks.

He left the conversation alone, giving you a teasing smirk he turned his attention back to the TV. Resting one of his arms along the back of the couch, your gaze fell to his stern chest.

"That's it." Buck suddenly said. He took your book out of your grasp, before turning and pouncing on you slightly. His fingers met your ribs, dancing down both of your sides. The sounds of your laughter filled the air, causing a smile to form on his lips.

"Still don't know what I'm talking about?" He teased.

"Okay, okay." You laughed, "I give. You caught me."

Bucky pulled back slightly, allowing you to catch your breath. Staring into is ice blue eyes, was when you noticed how close he was to you. He had positioned himself in between your legs as his hands held him up, resting on either side of your waist. The underlying tension that had grown between you both, more prominent than before.

You had developed feelings for Bucky over the years you had known him. He had been through a lot since you met him, it was never the right time for a relationship. Your friends would always tease you about the nature of your relationship.

Gazing at the man above you, your memories of your friendship flooded your mind. Bringing your hands up, you ran your fingers through the stubble that was growing on his face. He took in a sharp breath at your sudden contact. Bucky closed his eyes, leaning into your touch. Before you could think about the consequences of your actions, your hands traveled into his long chocolate hair, tugging him down lightly. His nose gently brushing yours, as you felt his hot breath dance along your lips. Leaning forward, Bucky attached his lips to yours.

His kiss was better than you could've expected. He was gentle in the kiss, he rested his chest against yours, as he positioned himself to lay between your legs. Gently, you tugged his hair, earning a groan from him. One of your hands began to roam his body, before resting on his bicep lightly scratching at the pleasurable feeling. Taking your bottom lip between his teeth, he pulled back tugging as he sucked your lip. Your chest was rising and falling rapidly, as the butterflies went crazy in your stomach. Suddenly, FRIDAY interrupted the intimate moment between you, before it could go further.

"Mr. Barnes, Miss Y/L/N, Mr. Rogers has requested your presence in the briefing room."

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